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Results The concentration for cobratoxin to produce agglutination reaction is above 7.8μg/ml in action with 0.EU/ml limulus reagent.

Results The clinical efficacy was assessed by comparing photographs and improvement in pigmentation. Significant effective rate was as follows:freckles:.9%,pigment after acne:.7%,senile lentigo:7.%,café-au-lait spots:0%,melasma was invalid. 果:8例患者中各种病变的显效率分别为:雀斑.9%(/8),痤疮后色素沉着斑.7%(/8),老年斑7.%(0/),咖啡斑0%(/),黄褐斑效果不明显。
Results The clinical findings of DAVF was complicated. the main clinical manifestations of the 8 cases of DAVF were headache ( cases) and cranial vascular souffle ( cases) . 果DAVF临床表现复杂多样,以头痛(例)和搏动性颅内血管杂音(例)为主要临床表现,也可以癫痫为首发症状。
Results The clinical symptoms were multiple,including melena in cases(00%),hematemesis in 0 cases(7.%),abdominal distention in cases(8 . %),abdominal pain in 9 cases(.%) and acid regurgitation in 8 cases(.9%). 果例患者临床表现为黑便例(00%)、呕血 0例(7.%)、腹胀 例(8 . %)、腹痛9例(.%)、反酸8例(.9%)。
Results The compound eyes with light color pigment were composed of - ocelli in male and - ocelli in female. 果 雄蛉复眼由 ~ 个小眼面组成 ,雌蛉由 ~ 个小眼面组成 ,色素变浅 ;
Results The compound liquor from Tremella aurantialba could significantly prolong the tussive delitescence,decreas the tussive times of mice and guinea pigs; 果复方金耳液可延长小鼠、豚鼠的咳嗽潜伏期和减少咳嗽次数;
Results The concentration for cobratoxin to produce agglutination reaction is above 7.8μg/ml in action with 0.EU/ml limulus reagent. 果眼镜蛇毒与0.EU/ml鲎试剂产生凝集反应的浓度在7.8μg/ml以上;
Results The content of the mastic of zinc norfloxacin was determind by UV spectrophotometer. The rate of average recovery was 00.0 %,RSD was .7%. 果:以紫外分光光度法测定诺氟沙星锌凝胶剂的含量,平均回收率为00.0 %,RSD为.7%;
Results The curative rates of patients who completed one course,two courses,three curses and four courses were %(n=8)、8%(n=9)、98%(n=) and 99%(n=),respectively. 果第疗程、第疗程、第 疗程、第疗程结束时,痊愈人数分别为8人(%)、9人(8%)、人(98%)和人(99%);
Results The degree of function impair of shoulder Joint,including flection,extention and rotation,was 8.9%,7.8,and .9% for RM group,and 0.%,.%,and .% for MRM group. 果RM组术后个月患侧肩关节功能损坏程度:屈曲9.8%,外展7.8%,内旋.9%; MRM组后肩关节功能损坏程度:屈曲0.%,外展.%,内旋 .%。
Results The diagnosis of costae and costicartilage was confirmed after post-processing in cases which plain film in 7 cases and axial CT scans in cases,the diagnosis could be made. 果7例X线平片、例常规平扫不能确诊,经图像后处理明确了诊断;
Results The different degrees of irritability and tremors were found in 0 mg · kg- · d- Prograf group. 果 口服普乐可复0 mg·kg-·d-组大鼠出现了易激惹和轻度震颤的症状;

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