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The Suez Canal is reopened for all shipping after being closed for three months.

The Submersible Pumping Units specified shall be the products of reputable manufacturers who have been regularly engaged in the design, manufacture and furnishing of Wastewater Pumping Equipment for at least ten (10) years. 这里指定的潜水泵装置应该由著名的、专注于设计、制造和配置污水泵设备至少十(10)年以上的制造商生产制造。
The Submitter hereby authorizes the Agent named above to deal with the exemption for the above product. 申请者在此授权上述代理机构处理其上列产品的免办事务。
The Sudanese President cuts the ribbon at the opening ceremony for the first oil refinery China's built outside its own borders. 苏丹总统为中国在境外建立的首座炼油厂的开工仪式上剪彩。
The Sudanese government has charged that the 16-month-old rebellion in Darfur is aimed at toppling the government. 苏丹政府说,十六个月前在达尔富尔地区开始的反叛活动,目的是要推翻政府。
The Sudbury fullerenes contained helium with compositions similar to some meteorites and cosmic dust. 索德柏立富勒烯里的氦气同位素组成,与某些陨石、彗尘中的一样。
The Suez Canal is reopened for all shipping after being closed for three months. 1957年的今天,苏伊士运河在关闭3个月后重新开放通航。
The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. 苏伊士运河连接著地中海和红海.
The Suez canal case was an important turn-point in the development of the relationship of British-America after the World War Ⅱ. 摘要苏伊士运河事件是二战后英、美关系发展中的一个重要转折点。
The Sui dynasty's early demise was attributed to the government's tyrannical demands on the people, who bore the crushing burden of taxes and compulsory labor. 隋朝的迅速消亡是政府对人民进行残酷统治的结果,人民承担着沉重的苛捐杂税和义务劳动。
The SuiNing Jin Douengineering machine manufactory is(the original SuiNing county engineering machine factory in Jiangsu province )a profession to produce the engineering machine factory, starting to set up in 1958, is one of the factorythat the nation co 睢宁县金斗工程机械制造厂是(原江苏省睢宁县工程机械厂)专业生产工程机械厂,始建于1958年,是国家建设部定点生产翻斗车的厂家之一,是中国建设机械总公司集团成员之一,有三十多年的翻斗车生产历史和十六年的小型装载机生产历史。
The Sukhothai kingdom, considered the forerunner of the modern Thai nation, was founded in the 13th century when Thai-speaking peoples migrated from southeast China to the River Yom, 230 miles (370 kilometers) north of Bangkok. 素可泰王朝被认为是现代泰族的祖先,其建立于公元十三世纪,当时一批讲泰语的民族从中国的东南部迁移到曼谷以北230英里(370公里)的永河流域。

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