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Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.

AnHui province boasts a good harvest this year. 今年安徽省农业获得了大丰收。
An\' don\'t you forget, we\'re still lookin\' for that amulet and the ones responsible! 同时不要忘了,我们仍然在寻找那件护身符,我们可以互相依靠!
Ana Ines Trapp graduated in Communication from the University of Montevideo, Uruguay, where she worked as a book reviewer for El Observador. 安娜.伊内斯.特拉普毕业于乌拉圭蒙得维的亚大学的传媒系,并在该国以图书评论员的身份为《观察家》工作。
Ana gets acquainted with Jan, a department store detective still suffering from the break-up with Rita, his ex-girlfriend across the hall. 安娜则遇到在百货公司当警卫的杨,杨却对旧女友莉达念念不忘。
Anachronism vs. antiquarianism: how does a good historian find a balance? 11去古主义与好古主义:一个优秀的历史学家如何在其中求取平衡?
Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins. 它们生活在沼泽,湿地和水流缓慢的溪流中,主要分布在亚马逊热带丛林和奥里诺科河盆地。
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is one of the world's largest US based independent Exploration and Production Company with operations around the world. 阿纳达科石油公司是总部设在美国的世界上最大的独立勘探和生产公司之一,其业务遍布世界各地。
Anadarko is committed to continuing responsible development of China's offshore energy resources. 阿纳达科公司承诺将继续其在中国的海洋油气能源的业务发展。
Anadvertisement is just like a radar sweep,constantly hunting new prospects as they come into the market. 广告好比雷达扫描器一般,在新的消费者进入市场的同时,持续不断的猎取潜在顾客。
Anaemia: The content of banana iron is high, can stimulate the hemochrome in the blood. 贫血:香蕉铁质含量高,能刺激血液内的血色素。
Anaerobic processes could either occur naturally or in a controlled environment such as a biogas plant. 厌氧处理可以自然发生或在控制环境(例如沼气工厂)中进行。

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