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If you went to primary school in Brisbane you probably had an excursion to see them at Brisbane's Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.

If you watched much TV during the 1970s, you 1)probably saw Yuri Geller, a young Israeli who 2)claimed to be able to bend spoons and start watches using only the power of his mind. 如果你在七○年代看了很多电视节目,你或许看过尤里杰勒,这个年轻的以色列人宣称能够只用他的意志力就汤匙弯曲以及让手表走动。
If you wear jeans to the party, the teachers won't let you in. 如果你穿牛仔裤去晚会的话,老师们将不会让你进入。
If you wear jeans, the teacher won't let you get into the classroom. 如果你穿着牛仔裤,老师不会让你进教室。
If you wear our delicat &elegant broochs, pins or necktie clips, you will have artistic characteristics and be arttractive. 佩戴我们精致优雅的乐器造型别针,领带夹,必能为您增添几分艺术气息。
If you went to hell when your breath stopped, heart stopped and then God made it begin again, you return to life knowing you are not the body you walk upon the earth in, not the tongue and the sounds you make as you sing or slander, not the mind as it tor 如果你在呼吸停止,心跳停止时来到火狱,后来真主使生命继续,你明白你不是行走在地球上的躯体,不是你用以唱歌或诽谤的舌头和嗓音,不是借某形象折磨或取笑自身的心而回归生命。
If you went to primary school in Brisbane you probably had an excursion to see them at Brisbane's Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. 如果您在布里斯班上小学就可能在游览布里斯班的孤独的杉木考拉圣所里看到它们。
If you were Detroit, would you deal him? 如果你是底特律老虎队高层人士,你会和他签下长约吗?
If you were Leo, what would you do? 如果你是里欧,你会怎麽做?
If you were Rob Parson, how would you conduct yourself in the performance evaluation meeting? 如果你是帕森先生,在这场绩效面谈里,你会如何表现自己?
If you were a ball, would you live in an elliptic room, why? 如果你是一颗球,你会不会住在椭圆的房间里,为什麽?
If you were a boat,sail toward the waves in the middle of the river ,to pick up the surf in the torrent of life,so as to enrich your life just as to pick up the glistening jewels in the deep water. 你如果是一条船,就勇敢地驶向江心的波涛,到生活的激流里采摘一朵朵浪花,就像从深水里打捞闪光的宝物,让你的人生更加丰满。

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