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A key priority transition changes the order of the keys without changing the background output.

A key feature of those arrangements related to the annual allocation of import quantities. 这些安排的一个重要特点与进口数量的年度分配有关。
A key implication of the findings - reported in the US publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - is that children exposed to different languages grow into more tolerant adults than their monolingual mates. 《美国国家科学院汇刊》报道了这些调查结果的关键之处:通晓多种不同语言的孩子长大成人后比只懂一种语言的同伴更加宽容。
A key in which the keyer signal is faithfully reproduced in the final key effect. Linear keying preserves soft key edges, and generally has a gain of 1, or unity. 在最终的键效果中键控器信号被如实地复制的一种键。线性键控保持键的柔边,并且通常增益值取1或一致。
A key mode which allows use of a wipe pattern generator to prevent some undesirable portions of the key cut signal from cutting holes in the background video. 一种键模式,它允许使用划像图案产生器来避免背景图像的切割空洞中某些键切割信号不合需要的部分。
A key objective of network sociology has been to insist upon the existence of, then document the effects of, “the mixture of economic and social purposes that motivate people while they are engaged in production, consumption, and distribution” (Granovette 网络社会学的一个关键目标是坚持下面的观点:即,人们在生产、消费和流通过程中被经济和社会目的共同激发着,同时这两种目的是如何起到影响的。
A key priority transition changes the order of the keys without changing the background output. 键优先权的改变只改变键的次序而不改变背景图像的输出。
A key priority was to build up their physical strength, an area in which they had come off second best against their rivals. 一个关键的优先就是加强她们的身体力量,这是她们落后于对手的第二点。
A key ring is for carrying keys. A gold ring worn on the ring finger by a man or woman usually shows he or she is married. 钥匙圈是用来串钥匙的。男女所戴的金戒指通常表示他或她已经结婚。
A key that was smudged from the inside cannot be cleaned and can only be replaced in the factory. 变脏的按键不能从里面清洗只能在工厂中更换。
A key theme was profit taking on attractively priced stocks after the declines of April. 股市在4月份下跌后,市场主要集中于沽售价格吸引的股份以获利。
A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program. 换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次

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