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As time passes by, the avoirdupois of this man will overrun natural avoirdupois standard, in which case, his chance of suffering diabetes, hypertension , coronary heart disease, fat liver, gallbladder disease and gouty disease will increase greatly.

As time goes on, we will encounter more troubles and learn how to deal with them. 随着时间的推移,我们会遇到更多的困难并学会如何应付这些困难.
As time goes on/With time going on, he is tired of his work. 随着时间的推移,他对他的工作厌烦了。
As time has passed, however, it is increasingly accepted, though by no means universally so, that the boundaries are more porous than the many polemics would lead one to believe: many of the techniques pioneered by the above composers show up in popular m 随著时间,前卫的概念已经逐渐的被接受,两个领域彼此之间的分野不再那么壁垒分明,并且出人意表的,这些开拓性的技巧常常被流行音乐所引用:甲壳虫、平克佛洛伊德、迈克欧?菲尔德、涅盘、电台司令等等耳熟能详的著名艺人组合,还有许多电影使用的配乐。
As time passed, Girish began to learn that the guru is the one who silently unfolds the disciple's inner life. He became a steadfast devotee of the Master. 时间流逝,吉里什开始得知古鲁是静静地打开门徒内在生命的人。他成为了师父的一位坚定奉献者。
As time passed, Taoism was finally adopted by the sovereignties during the early Han period. 然而这一时期,却是法家大用于君王的时期。
As time passes by, the avoirdupois of this man will overrun natural avoirdupois standard, in which case, his chance of suffering diabetes, hypertension , coronary heart disease, fat liver, gallbladder disease and gouty disease will increase greatly. 当一个人的体重超过标准时,得糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、脂肪肝、胆囊疾病、痛风的机会就大大增加。
As time progresses, the opportunity cost of ignoring the benefits of adequate fertilizer use increase and the ability to repair damages to China's soil resource subsequently decline. 随着时间的推移,忽视充分施用化肥的效益的机会成本在增加,结果对中国土壤资源损害的补救能力在下降。
As time progresses, the opportunity cost of ignoring the benefits of adequate fertilizer use increase and the ability to repair soil quality declines and thus becomes more costly. 随着时间的推移,忽视充分施用肥料效益的机会成本就会增加,改良土壤质量的能力就会下降,改良的成本也会提高。
As time slowed, earth fell also in consciousness. 当时间减速,地球的意识也下降。
As time went by and the old man became mellow, the fury went out of his parliamentary speeches. 随着时间的推移,这位长者愈来愈有涵养,他在议会发言中已不再有往日的激愤了。
As time went by the Southern League application did not appear to be making progress, so even later an application was made to leapfrog it and join the Football League. 一段时间后,南方联盟的申请通过迟迟不见进展,于是稍后新的加入足球联盟的申请取而代之。

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