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The cards were commissioned by Sir Henry Cole, a Londoner who is generally recognized as the inventor of the commercial Christmas card.

The cardiogram is a chart and charts are what I work with. 心电图是图表的一种,而我每天面对的就是图表。
The cardiovascular system is the heart and all of the passages that carry blood throughout the body. 新的发现使部分专家提出现今的污染控制力度也许还不够。
The cards are coffined in boxes. 卡片被分藏在盒子里。
The cards dealt on any poker hand are, for practical purposes, completely random and independent of the cards dealt on any previous hand. 实际上,任何人手里的扑克牌与前几手的扑克牌是彻底随意并独立的。
The cards personalize animated displays inside, in some cases displaying visitors' faces. 卡片会秀出个人化的生动图样,有时会显示游客的脸孔。
The cards were commissioned by Sir Henry Cole, a Londoner who is generally recognized as the inventor of the commercial Christmas card. 这些卡是由伦敦人亨利·科尔爵士委托画家所作,他是公认的商业圣诞卡的创始人。
The cards were made of stiff paper. 卡片是用硬纸板做的。
The cards were ranged in alphabetical order. 卡片以字母顺序排列。
The care of the baby naturally tied her down so that she was not so active socially as before. 要照顾婴儿,自然拴住了她,使她不能像以前那样积极参加社会活动。
The career counseling originates in the US, where the free market economy enables people to enjoy the freedom of job selection and social insurance, and the well developed economy provides with the vocational education and career counseling so as to promo 摘要“生涯辅导”的理念源自美国,它有其适存的西方土壤,包括:自由的市场经济条件下的人才流动机制与社会保障机制;发达的经济支持下的完善的职业教育、就业指导体系以及“个人主义”和“实用主义”两大价值体系。
The carefree childhood became a thing of the past. 无忧无虑的童年已经是过去时了。

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