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The quality of education collapsed.

The quality of carbon fiber is directly influenced by the quality of PAN precursor. 摘要碳纤维的品质在很大程度上取决于原丝。
The quality of chamfering edge is good.The ceramic is the more hard the more smooth It is well over the import ceramic.Specially,It is used for grinding glassy and glaze ceramic. 倒角精磨质量好,且越硬的砖,倒角越闪亮,可达到或超过进口砖水平,尤其适用坚硬的抛光砖、瓷片和釉面砖。
The quality of civil engineering conforms with our domestic technical standard (China National Building Code). 土建工程的质量符合我们国内的技术标准(中国建筑法规)。
The quality of clinics, of which there were more than 160 by 1990, remained spotty, and those seeking IVF had little in the way of objective information to help them choose the best ones. 到了1990年,全美这些诊所的数目已超过160家,但品质不一;寻求IVF者不容易找到什麽客观的讯息,来帮他们选择最好的诊所。
The quality of die refined oil reached to the standards for edible oil and sanitation by neutralization using phosphoric acid, water washing, bleaching and steam refining. 通过磷酸中和,水洗,脱色,水蒸汽蒸馏得到的精炼油达到国家食用油标准和卫生标准。
The quality of education collapsed. 可是,教育质量却因此骤然下降。
The quality of financial market performs the evaluation index function under the micro-structure theory. 摘要在金融市场微观结构理论分析框架下,交易机制的变革以市场质量为评判基准。
The quality of furan sand castings is usually better than clay sand castings, however, some defects are also very easy take place with furan sand castings such as blow hole, metal penetration, veining, cracking, slag inclusion, hardness too low, surface r 摘要呋喃树脂砂铸件质量一般比黏土砂铸件好,但如果原材料选择、工艺设计、造型和制芯操作不当,也会产生气孔、粘砂、脉纹、裂纹,夹渣、硬度不足、渗碳、渗硫和球化不良等铸造缺陷。
The quality of generic medicine is not guaranteed. 未注册的药品的质量是没有保证的。
The quality of mechanical drive decides the performance of the servo system, the driving error and hysterisis error are the most important precision index. 摘要传动误差和回程误差是精密传动装置中两个最重要的精度指标。
The quality of on-building project in the middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer in Hebei province are introduced and it shows that the fineness ratios of main units reach 100%. 摘要介绍河北省南水北调中线工程开工项目建设质量情况,主要单元工程优良率100%。

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