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Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd. uses its industry-leading network power technologies, R&D, manufacturing, global marketing and service platforms, to supply the world with the most comprehensive End-to-End Network Power Total Solution.

Emerging markets look promising, too. 新兴市场看起来也前途灿烂。
Emerging-market bonds and shares, for instance, may jitter further. 例如,新兴市场债券和股票可能更加震荡。
Emerging-market equities and metals, not (generally safer) bonds, suffered the biggest mauling in the past week. 上周受创最为严重的便是新兴的产权投资市场和五金市场而非(风险通常较小的)公债市场。
Emerging-market plutocrats are nervous about keeping their fortunes at home, lest the political winds change. 新兴市场的富豪们生怕政治风向有所改变,都不敢将自己的财产留在国内。
Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary company of American Emerson Electric Co.. It has 28 sales offices and 29 service centers all over China. 艾默生网络能源有限公司是美国艾默生公司下属子公司,在中国设有28个办事处及29个用户服务中心。
Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd. uses its industry-leading network power technologies, R&D, manufacturing, global marketing and service platforms, to supply the world with the most comprehensive End-to-End Network Power Total Solution. 艾默生网络能源有限公司拥有业界最宽、最完整的网络能源产品线,拥有业界领先的网络能源技术、研发、产品制造及服务平台。
Emerson Oliveira, project director and engineer with Andrade Gutierrez said that the second phase of work would begin in February and that so far 43 kilometers of road have been flattened out. 工程负责人、工程师埃默森?奥里维拉说,二期工程将于明年2月展开,迄今为止已经填平了43公里的公路。
Emerson Process Management, an Emerson business, is a leader in helping businesses automate their production, processing and distribution in the power, water and wastewater treaent, chemical, oil and gas, refining, pulp and paper, food and beverage, life 作为艾默生集团的业务之一,艾默生过程管理为工业生产、加工、分销提供自动化服务,应用在电力、供水和水处理、化工、石油天然气、精炼、纸浆和造纸、能源、食品饮料、生命科学以及其他领域。
Emerson and Cisco are combining their expertise and technology to deliver a complete solution that improves productivity, safety, and operational efficiency for manufacturing customers. 艾默生和思科正在结合他们的专家力量和技术,为制造业客户提供一个完整的可以改善生产力、安全性以及操作效率的解决方案。
Emerson does not think there is a world of difference between success and failure. 爱默生认为在失败与成功之间并无天壤之别。
Emerson will work with BP to set the standards, processes and implementation procedures for the upgrade projects. 爱默生将同BP公司协作,共同制定标准、步骤以及施工程序。

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