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Article 17 The competent authorities at the central government level may designate certain industries, and set forth by public notice the mandatory and prohibitory provisions of standard contracts to be used by them.

Article 17 The Renminbi shall be printed and issued solely by the People's Bank of China. 第十七条人民币由中国人民银行统一印制、发行。
Article 17 The State applies an elimination system for outdated and highly energy-consuming products and equipment. 第十七条国家对落后的耗能过高的用能产品、设备实行淘汰制度。
Article 17 The administrative structure with regard to statistics institutions of local people's governments at or above the county level and statisticians of townships and towns shall be specifically prescribed by the State Council. 第十七条县级以上地方各级人民政府统计机构和乡、镇统计员的管理体制由国务院具体规定。
Article 17 The basic unit of Renminbi is Yuan and the units of fractional currency of Renminbi are Jiao and Fen. 第十七条人民币的单位为元,人民币辅币单位为角、分。
Article 17 The characters printed on the seals shall be the simplified characters promulgated by the State Council with the font of Song typeface. 十七、印章所刊汉字,应当使用国务院公布的简化字,字体为宋体。
Article 17 The competent authorities at the central government level may designate certain industries, and set forth by public notice the mandatory and prohibitory provisions of standard contracts to be used by them. 第17条(企业经营者使用定型化契约应向主管机关报备)中央主管机关得选择特定行业,公告规定其定型化契约应记载或不得记载之事项。
Article 17 The environmental protection department under the State Council may, together with the water conservancy administration department under the State Council and the provincial people's government concerned and in light of the utilization function 第十七条国务院环境保护部门会同国务院水利管理部门和有关省级人民政府,可以根据国家确定的重要江河流域水体的使用功能以及有关地区的经济、技术条件,确定该重要江河流域的省界水体适用的水环境质量标准,报国务院批准后施行。
Article 17 The financial and accounting systems of enterprises with foreign investment and organizations and sites of foreign enterprises set up in the territory of China dealing in production or business operations shall be submitted to the local tax aut 第十七条外商投资企业和外国企业在中国境内设立的从事生产、经营的机构、场所的财务、会计制度,应当报送当地税务机关备查。
Article 17 The local people's governments shall support power enterprises in exploring water resources, tapping and using water according to law for the construction of electricity generation projects. 第十七条地方人民政府应当支持电力企业为发电工程建设勘探水源和依法取水、用水。
Article 17 The nationality status of persons who have acquired or lost Chinese nationality before the promulgation of this Law shall remain valid. 第十七条本法公布前,已经取得中国国籍的或已经丧失中国国籍的,继续有效。
Article 17 The people's governments and the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall give awards to the units and individuals that take an active part in donating blood or score outstanding achievements in the work of blood donation. 第十七条各级人民政府和红十字会对积极参加献血和在献血工作中做出显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。

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