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Situated in the heart of Kunming Dianchi National Tourism &Vacation Zone, Lakeview Golf Club nestles along the shores of Dianchi Lake and beneath the Sleeping Beauty Mountain, and further fulfills its dream of “City Golf”.

Situated in a junction area of various natural elements, Mount Emei possesses typical geological and topographical features, well preserved eco-environment; and thanks to its essential position as the junction and transition belt of world biology division 峨眉山处于多种自然要素的交汇地区,典型的地质地貌,保护完好的生态环境,特别是地处世界生物区系的结合和过渡地带,拥有丰富的动植物资源,具有明显的区域性特点,珍稀濒危物种繁多。
Situated in the Peruvian Andes, Cuzco developed, under the Inca ruler Pachacutec, into a complex urban centre with distinct religious and administrative functions. 科斯科古城位于秘鲁的安第斯山脉,在印加统治者帕查库蒂之下发展成为一个复杂的城市中心,具有独特的宗教和行政的职能。
Situated in the Training Base at NO.2 Bridge Nangang Road Nanhui District Shanghai, with the seaside in the east, yangshan deep water port in the south, Shanghai Wildlife Zoo in the west, and Pudong International Airport in the north, Weiwu Hotel is only 卫武宾馆座落于南汇区南港公路二号桥训练基地,东靠滨海度假村区、南临洋山深水港和海港新城,西有上海野生动物园、新场古镇,北靠浦东国际机场,距市中心50分钟车程。
Situated in the back or at the side. 后门的,边门的位于后面的或旁边的
Situated in the heart of California's Gold Coast at the campus of Oxnard College, this center locale is halfway between Los Angles and the beautiful coastal city of Santa Barbara. 坐落于加利福尼亚黄金海岸心脏之地的欧克拿学院,同时也依傍经济发达的洛杉矶和美丽的海滨城市圣巴巴拉。
Situated in the heart of Kunming Dianchi National Tourism &Vacation Zone, Lakeview Golf Club nestles along the shores of Dianchi Lake and beneath the Sleeping Beauty Mountain, and further fulfills its dream of “City Golf”. 滇池湖畔高尔夫球会,一座融四季如春的气候、原生态山水景观为一体,集大自然众多恩赐于一身的高尔夫球会正在将“都市高尔夫”的梦想往前延伸。
Situated in the industrial developing zone in Sha Ping Ba region, along the bank of jia Ling River, with graceful environment and convenient traffic condition, only ten kilometers away from the central downtown, jia Hua Motorcycle Crankshaft Lndustrial CO 公司位于重庆市沙坪坝区井口工业开发区,毗临嘉陵江,依山傍水,离主城闹市区10多公里,交通方便,环境优雅,是专业生产摩托车发动机曲轴总成的大型、重点、骨干企业。
Situated in the most beautiful Huancheng riverside, close to international plaza and railway station. 酒店位于风景秀丽的环城河畔,坐拥玛格丽特国际商业中心,毗邻火车站,总面积8000平方米。
Situated in the mountains of northern Honshu, this trackless site includes the last virgin remains of the cool-temperate forest of Siebold's beech trees that once covered the hills and mountain slopes of northern Japan. 白神山地位于北本州的群山中,该地区人迹罕至,保留了最后一个未被开发的寒带西博尔德毛榉树森林遗迹,西博尔德毛榉树曾经分布很广,几乎覆盖日本北部的所有丘陵和山坡。
Situated in the northeast of Africa where east meets west, Egypt is at the junction between 3 continents, Asia, Africa and Europe. 埃及位于非洲的东北角,是东方和西方的交汇处,亚非欧三个大陆的连结点。
Situated in the southern region of colorful clouds, even Xishuangbanna's name conjures up a mystical ethnic feel. 西双版纳地处彩云之南,它就连名字都充满少数民族的神秘色彩。

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