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A new virtual calibrator for instrument transformer is presented. A phase difference correction method is applicable to correct electronic instrument transformer.

A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
A new variable step-size CMA blind equalization algorithm is introduced to conquer the defects of CMA, in which the step size is controlled by the estimation of error signal's autocorrelation. 摘要提出了一种自适应变步长恒模盲均衡算法,利用剩余误差信号的自相关函数估计值作为控制步长的因子来自适应改变步长的大小,克服了恒模算法存在的固有缺陷。
A new video game allows players to simulate the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. 一款新型电子游戏让玩家们可以模拟美国总统约翰·肯尼迪遇刺时的场景。
A new video of Osama Ben Laden has emerged on the internet. 一段有关本.拉登的新录像出现在互联网上。
A new video of Osama Bin Laden has emerged on the Internet. 一段有关本拉登的视频录像近日在网上出现。
A new virtual calibrator for instrument transformer is presented. A phase difference correction method is applicable to correct electronic instrument transformer. 摘要介绍了一种新型的虚拟互感器校验仪,它采用相位差校正法解决了校验电子式互感器的问题。
A new virtuoso has come to the fore. 已成为显赫人物的新艺术品鉴赏家
A new vision is urgently needed. 现急需新视野。
A new wave of explosions and shootings killed or wounded dozens of Iraqis on Easter Sunday as the Christian minority celebrated the holy day, praying that this would be the last year they live through the violence and terrorism. 正当属少数的基督徒庆祝周日复活节,祈求这会是他们最后一年在暴力与恐怖主义阴影中度过的时候,在这个圣日发生的新一波爆炸与枪击,又造成数十名伊拉克人死伤。
A new wavelet-bispectrum united detection algorithm is proposed to face with problems such as the complex structure and low signal to noise ratio of radar echo, when there exist difficulties in detecting impulses in through-wall radar systems. 摘要针对冲击体制穿墙雷达系统中回波信号结构复杂、信噪比低、信号检测困难等问题,提出一种小波-双谱联合检测新算法。
A new waxwork, Dr Bourdette, had just been moved in, and later that day there had been some talk of a fire in the room. 新展品布尔多特博士的蜡像刚被搬了进来,可是不久就传闻说这个展厅曾发生过火灾。

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