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This review focuses on metabolism of arsenic and it′s impairments to skin, blood circle system, nervos system, reproductive-and-urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system and immune system.
本文对国内外近些年来有关砷在机体中的代谢 ,砷对皮肤、循环系统、神经系统、泌尿生殖系统、消化系统、呼吸系统和免疫系统的损害及其机制的研究进行了综述。

This report discribed a pathological study of animals with "Heaves"or chronic obctructive pulmonary disesase (COPD) in Hexi corridor, Gansu provinc. 这是一篇关于甘肃省河西地区例动物气喘病病理研究报告。
This report is to present cases of the cerebellopontine angle tumors, including cases of acoustic neuroma, cases of epidermoid tumor, cases of meningioma and case of lipoma. 本文报道例桥脑小脑角肿瘤,其中听神经瘤例、胆脂瘤例、脑膜瘤 例和胶质瘤例。
This research analyzes characteristics of various reasons of students' truancy,and raises some specific suggestions of how to decline the rate of truancy. 研究深入分析了各种类型的逃课成因特点,并就如何减少大学生逃课现象提出了具体的建议。
This results showed that the interaction is spcific for HbA and HbA. 说明Hb A与Hb A_之间的作用是特异的。
This review deals with the apphcation of MEBO in treating surface ulcers, skin causis, infantile diaper dermatitis, and its application in the departments of five sense organs, obstetrics, gynecology and surgery. 本文概括了美宝湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)在治疗体表溃疡、婴幼儿尿布皮炎以及在五官科、妇产科、外科等的临床应用,取得了明显的效果。
This review focuses on metabolism of arsenic and it′s impairments to skin, blood circle system, nervos system, reproductive-and-urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system and immune system. 本文对国内外近些年来有关砷在机体中的代谢 ,砷对皮肤、循环系统、神经系统、泌尿生殖系统、消化系统、呼吸系统和免疫系统的损害及其机制的研究进行了综述。
This review summarizes the state of the art of the coupling of the enolate of ketones,focusing on the stereoselectivity of the process. 综述酮烯醇盐氧化二聚反应的规律,重点是立体选择性的过程;
This section includes the discussions of accounting objective, functions of accounting, principle of historical cost, accrual basis. 其中,由于选题范围的缘故,故只探讨了会计网络化对传统会计目标、权责发生制原则、历史成本原则、传统会计职能等的影响。
This sensor shows sensitive determination of choline with a linear range from .0×0~(-) to .0×0~(-) mol/L when the operating pH and potential are 7. and 0. V,(respectively). 研究表明,所制备的传感器在pH 7.、电位为0.V条件下对氯化胆碱的线性响应范围为.0×0-~.0×0-mol/L;
This shows that a conjecture of Sotteau and Wojda holds for . 这证明了Sotteau 和 Wojda 的一个猜测对大的 n 成立.
This software can be not only used for the design calculation of full system,but also can be used for the calculation of single subfile system by calling the subprogram in it. 该软件具有较强的适应能力,既可以进行整个系统的设计计算,又可以调用其中某子程序,进行单个子系统的计算。

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