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Cell phones use rechargeable batteries.

Cell phone shops, the only crowded stores these days, sell special CDs with ringtones at about $2 apiece. Collections of short jokes especially written for texters are best-sellers. 眼下,手机商店成了伊拉克唯一生意兴隆的商店,店里出售各种手机铃音光盘,价格在每张2美元左右。那些专门为“短信族”编写的短篇笑话集也十分畅销。
Cell phone still has some drawbacks. 手机仍然有不完善的地方。
Cell phone still have some drawbacks. 手机仍然有不完善的地方。
Cell phones are a way of life. I can't live without it. 手机已经成为人们生活的一部分。没有它我真不知道怎么生活。
Cell phones have become a way of life for the affluent in Lebanon. About 24 percent of Lebanese own a cell phone. 手机已经成为黎巴嫩富人的一种生活方式.大约有24%的黎巴嫩人拥有手机.
Cell phones use rechargeable batteries. 手机用充电池工作.
Cell phones, media, video, digital photography and the Internet have combined to bring at least some of the horror of battle to the home front for all to see. 移动电话,新闻传媒,视频,数码照片以及互联网至少都在把战场恐怖的一面带到后方为人们所了解。
Cell phones,or moblle phones,make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. 手机,或者叫移动电话使得我们有可能与任何地方的任何人交谈。
Cell plate A structure that appears in late anaphase in dividing plant cells and is involved in formation of a new cell wall at the telophase stage of mitosis. 细胞板:植物细胞分裂晚后期出现的一种结构,它和有丝分裂末期新细胞壁的形成有关。
Cell publishes reports of novel results in any area of experimental biology. 细胞发表在实验生物学任何领域的新成果。
Cell wall A rigid wall surrounding the cells of plants, fungi, bacteria, and algae. 细胞壁:存在于植物细胞,真菌细胞,细菌细胞和藻类细胞外围的一层厚壁。

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