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Aiming at the winding of cylinder column strainer, this paper analyses the fibre wiring of column according to the patch winding theory, proposes end winding pattern and an effective wiring plan which validates by experiments.

Aiming at the simulation of quasi-brittle fracture of concrete-like materials, the qualitative comparison of the selected models was focused on the follow aspects, i.e. the simulation of the fracture behaviors of crack mode Ⅰ and crack mode Ⅱ by use of th 在对选择的典型黏性界面裂纹进行定性分析比较时着重考虑以下两点:①采用选择的模型对Ⅰ型裂纹和Ⅱ型裂纹的断裂行为进行数值计算;②对混合型断裂载荷作用下模型的扩容行为特性进行数值分析。
Aiming at the specialty of internet works and actual protecting condition of China's technological measures, linking mature measure and correlative regulation in international treaty, actual legislation shortage is analyzed; rationality and feasibility of 摘要为了探究对技术措施进行法律保护的合理性和可行性,运用比较分析的方法,对国际社会一些国家较为成熟的做法及国际条约中相关规定的法理制度进行了研究,对网络作品的特点和中国对技术措施法律保护的现状进行了分析,认为要完善中国著作权法的技术措施法律保护制度,必须将技术措施与版权法紧密结合起来,建立与技术保护措施相结合的新版权体系。
Aiming at the status of large energy consumption in ship air conditioning systems, considers that energy saving and efficiency improving mainly rely on operation maintenance and management for those ships in service, while the new techniques such as varia 摘要针对船舶空调系统能耗较大的现状,认为现有船舶应立足于在运行过程中加强对系统的维护管理,以实现节能增效;新造船舶或改装的船舶,应采用压缩机、风机变频技术以及利用电子膨胀阀调节制冷量,以实现更大程度的节能。
Aiming at the tasks with activity constraints in collaborative development process, a metrics based task granularity design model is constructed employing the cohesion conception of modularized design in software engineering. 摘要以设计过程中具有活动约束的任务为研究对象,引用软件工程模块化设计的内聚概念,建立了基于活动约束的任务设计内聚度量模型。
Aiming at the weakness of electric-automation control system in combination reaction product line of chemical industry, this paper detailedly introductes how to reconstruct the former system successfully by applying the advanced PLC, inverter, fieldbus an 摘要针对化工化合生产线电气自动化控制系统的缺点,详细介绍了运用先进的PLC、变频器、现场总线及HMI(人机界面)技术,对老系统进行成功的改造,达到了较高的生产工艺要求,并取得了良好的技术、经济效益。
Aiming at the winding of cylinder column strainer, this paper analyses the fibre wiring of column according to the patch winding theory, proposes end winding pattern and an effective wiring plan which validates by experiments. 摘要依据面片缠绕机理,针对圆柱形过滤器的缠绕成型,时圆柱的缠绕布线进行了研究,提出了端部模式化非测地线缠绕和一套有效的布线方案,并进行了试验验证。
Aiming at these issues, the author, using the textual theory, discusses the reasons for obstructing the English reading and finds out the countermeasures so as to take it as teaching reference. 针对这些问题,可从语篇理论的角度出发,通过宏观上剖析英文篇章结构及语篇衔接连贯的方式和手段,探讨妨碍学习者阅读水平提升的原因,找出应对措施,以期作为教学的参考。
Aiming at these problems, according to the experiences of teaching the course for many years, also combined with some examples, it is discussed how to deal with the connection of math between middle school and institution of higher education. 针对这些问题,笔者根据多年从事这门课程的教学经验,结合具体的实例,探讨如何做好中学数学到高等数学课程的衔接问题。
Aiming at this advantage, the article presents two steady state one coil configuration, its configuration is simpler and has higher reliability. 针对双稳态双线圈结构存在的弊端,提出了双稳态单线圈结构,使结构更为简单、可靠性更高。
Aiming at this kind of transformation, it high time for the public security organs to change its old police-based control conception and build a new police-society pattern to eradicate under-society organization's economic basis together. 针对这一变化,应改变以往打击有组织犯罪以公安本位的防控观念,构建公安-社会双本位的控制模式,共同揭露并铲除黑社会组织赖以生存的经济基础。
Aiming at this question, the paper describes an approach to correcting the part-of-speech tagging of multi-category words automatically. 针对这一难点问题,本文提出了一种兼类词词性标注的自动校对方法。

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