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After analyzing all horizontel forces acted on the workpicce in the universal pass, a forrnula on the relationship between tension and Coward slip is derived.

After Soxhlet separation, the further purification was made by SPE. Soxhlet分离后,用SPE作进一步提纯。
After UV irradiation, damaged DNA repaired through excision repair systems including the processes of DNA nicking near damaged site, DNA repair replication and DNA ligation. DNA被紫外线损伤后,由DNA切除修复酶切除嘧啶二聚体,随之以另一条正常的DNA链为模板修复合成DNA片段,最后由DNA连接酶将新合成的DNA片与原有的DNA链连接。
After a -8 hours culture with mmol/L VPA, the cells exhibited nuclear shrinkage, pyknosis fragmentation and appearence of apoptosis bodies. 经mmol/L VPA处理-8小时后,HL-0出现胞浆空泡、核固缩、核碎裂及凋亡小体;
After a relatively low ebb in the 980s and the 990s, Brenner's theory pushes crisis theory into an era of global perspectives. 在经过了80年代和90年代理论的相对沉寂之后,布伦纳的理论把危机理论引向了全球视野时代。
After an incubation of hours, an ameboid invasion of tumor cells into organ fragment was observed. 小时后可侵袭到器官细胞实质内;
After analyzing all horizontel forces acted on the workpicce in the universal pass, a forrnula on the relationship between tension and Coward slip is derived. 本文较精确地分析了H型钢连轧时在万能孔型中作用在轧件上的各种水平方向作用力,最终建立了前滑与前、后张力之间的解析关系式。
After being dried,the PF contents in the peeled and no-peeled samples were .9% and . % respectively. 生晒后去皮和有皮分别为.9%和. %。
After being incubated in Czapek medium with tannin concentrationg /L,at8℃,pH.,0r /minfor days,themaximumremovaloftanninreached0%. 对选育菌株的单宁降解性能研究结果显示,在橡碗单宁浓度为g/L,pH值为.的察氏培养基中8℃恒温水浴振荡(0r/min)培养 d,单宁降解率可达0%。
After biopsy,desmoid was found incases,sebaceous cyst incases,lipoma incase,neurofibroma incases and mixed tumor incases. 活检证实:硬纤维瘤例,皮脂腺囊肿例,脂肪瘤例,神经纤维瘤例,混合性肿瘤例。
After contig assembly, nonredundant ESTs were generated. 些EST序列经contig组装后,得到条非冗余EST序列。 条非冗
After copulation, only apyrene sperms in spermatophora were motile. 交配后在精包内观察到无核精于的运动,而真核精子则不运动;

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