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Article 15 The state practises planned economy on the basis of socialist public ownership.

Article 15 The legal tender of The People's Republic of China is the Reminbi(RMB). 第十五条中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币。
Article 15 The legal tender of the PBC is Renminbi (RMB). 第十五条中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币。
Article 15 The plan for determining the routes for laying submarine cables and pipelines beyond the petroleum exploitation zones in order to exploit marine petroleum resources shall be submitted to the competent authorities prior to the examination and ap 在海洋石油开发区内铺设平台间或者平台与单点系泊间的海底电缆、管道,所有者应当在为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测和施工前,分别将本规定第五条、第六条规定提供的内容,报主管机关备案。
Article 15 The recordation of the official services and submission of the compiled statistics reports of a government agency shall be performed by the statistics personnel or other related personnel appointed by their director of that agency in compliance 第15条政府机关公务之登记、统计报告之编送,由各该机关长官负责运用所属统计人员及其他有关业务人员,依第五条及第六条所定方案及程序办理之。
Article 15 The remittance and/or carrying of foreign exchange abroad for such income derived from the possession of assets in China shall be granted upon the presentation of the specific certifying documents at the designated foreign exchange banks. 第十五条个人移居境外后,其境内资产产生的收益,可以持规定的证明材料和有效凭证向外汇指定银行购汇汇出或者携带出境。
Article 15 The state practises planned economy on the basis of socialist public ownership. 第十五条国家在社会主义公有制基础上实行计划经济。
Article 15 The tax registration certificate issued to taxpayers and the tax withholding or tax collection certificate issued to tax withholding agents shall not be permitted to be lent to others, altered, damaged, sold or forged. 第十五条纳税人领取的税务登记证件和扣缴义务人领取的代扣代缴、代收代缴税款凭证,不得转借、涂改、损毁、买卖或者伪造。
Article 15 The term the files of statisticsmentioned in Article 14 of this Act means the report, book, table, chart or computer storage media deriving from the statistics collected and compiled in accordance with Article 3 of this Act. 第15条本法第十四条所称统计档案,系指办理本法第三条各款统计所产生之报告、册籍、图表及电子计算机储存媒体等。
Article 15 The total amount of investment of a contractual JV refers to the total sum of capital required by the production and operation scale regulated in the JV contract and articles of association. 第十五条合作企业的投资总额,是指按照合作企业合同、章程规定的生产经营规模,需要投入的资金总和。
Article 15 To ensure that radiation workers' occupational exposure is below limits and kept as low as reasonably achievable, the employer shall monitor each radiation worker's dose. 第15条为确保辐射工作人员所受职业曝露不超过剂量限度并合理抑低,雇主应对辐射工作人员实施个别剂量监测。
Article 15 When evaluating the land price for allocation or transfer by sale and the base price for sale though tendering according to Paragraph 4, Article 8 of the Act, the authority of development may entrust the local municipal or county (city) governm 第15条开发主管机关依本条例第八条第四项规定估定拨用或让售地价及标售底价时,得委托当地直辖市、县(市)政府或估价专业机构预估,作为参考。

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