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The topics covered in this course include: unconstrained optimization methods, constrained optimization methods, convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, nondifferentiable optimization, and applications in integer programming.

The topic recently was the framework of dinosaur fossils . 最近的论题是恐龙化石的结构。
The topic seemed to have a fascination for her. 这个题目似乎对她很有吸引力。
The topic selection has somewhat practical significance, which demanstrates that the author paid fairly much attention to the accumulation and summarization of relavant data and knowledge. 文章选题有一定的现实意义,说明作者平时比较注意资料和知识的积累,并善于总结。
The topics are layout of English letter, letters of invitation, letters of greetings and congratulations, letters of consolation, thank-you letter, business letters, other letters, announcement, note, poster and advertisement, card, form, bill and telegra 主题有书信格式,邀请信,祝贺信,慰问信,感谢信,商业书信,其他信件,通知便条海报和广告,卡片表格单据和电报合约与协定,致词。
The topics covered in this course include interactive proofs, zero-knowledge proofs, zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge, non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, secure protocols, two-party secure computation, multiparty secure computation, and chosen-ciphe 本课程所涵盖的主题包含有互动式证明,零知识证明,知识的零知识证明,非互动式零知识证明,安全协定,双方安全计算,多方安全计算与选择密文安全性。
The topics covered in this course include: unconstrained optimization methods, constrained optimization methods, convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, nondifferentiable optimization, and applications in integer programming. 这门课程的主题包括:无限制最适化方法,限制最适化方法,凸分析,拉格朗日松弛法,不可微分函数最适化,以及在整数规划上的应用。
The topics covered include youth and credit cards, adding cardholders to your account, secondary cardholder policies, payment options for kids while they're traveling and helping young people understand the importance of good credit. 各项主题範围包括﹕青少年与信用卡﹑在帐户上增加副卡持有人﹑附属卡持有者规定﹑子女外出旅游时的付款选择以及了解良好信用的重要性。
The topics include letters, numbers, time, prices, directions, body parts, birthday, occupations, and weather. 主题包括字母,数字,时间,价格,方向,身体部位,生日职业以及天气。
The topics include: structure and function of genes, chromosomes and genomes, biological variation resulting from recombination, mutation, and selection, population genetics, use of genetic methods to analyze protein function, gene regulation and inherite 主题包括:基因、染色体与基因组的结构和功能;来自于基因重组、突变和筛选的生物变异;族群遗传学;运用遗传学的方法分析蛋白质的功能,基因的调控和遗传性疾病。
The topics represented are by no means exhaustive but are meant to be indicative of the work done by researchers in diverse communities involving random matrix theory. 这些课题不能说是完全无遗漏的,但可以看到各领域的研究人员用随机矩阵论所做的工作。
The topographic map produced by Clementine's laser ranger revealed the astounding dimensions of the SPA basin, which stretches 2,600 kilometers across, making it the largest impact crater in the entire solar system. 克莱门蒂号的雷射测距仪制作的地形图揭露出SPA盆地惊人的大小:宽达2600公里,是整个太阳系最大的撞击陨石坑。

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