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Article 14 Facilities for prevention and control of environmental noise pollution must be designed, built and put into use simultaneously with the main part of a construction project.

Article 14 Crude oil imported by a licensed importer can only be supplied to the oil refinery as feedstock, unless the crude oil is otherwise approved under special case status. 第14条石油输入业输入之原油,除经专案核准外,限供石油炼制业作为原料。
Article 14 Disputes arising between the parties to an equity joint venture which the board of directors fails to settle through consultation may be settled through conciliation or arbitration by an arbitral body of China or through arbitration by an arbit 第十四条合营各方发生纠纷,董事会不能协商解决时,由中国仲裁机构进行调解或仲裁,也可由合营各方协议在其它仲裁机构仲裁。
Article 14 During the period of martial law, the martial-law-executing organ may decide on measures to impose traffic control in the area under martial law, restricting entry and exit of the area under traffic control and checking the papers, vehicles and 第十四条戒严期间,戒严实施机关可以决定在戒严地区采取交通管制措施,限制人员进出交通管制区域,并对进出交通管制区域人员的证件、车辆、物品进行检查。
Article 14 Enterprises and institutions that discharge pollutants directly or indirectly into a water body shall, pursuant to the regulations of the environmental protection department under the State Council, report to and register with the local environ 第十四条直接或者间接向水体排放污染物的企业事业单位,应当按照国务院环境保护部门的规定,向所在地的环境保护部门申报登记拥有的污染物排放设施、处理设施和在正常作业条件下排放污染物的种类、数量和浓度,并提供防治水污染方面的有关技术资料。
Article 14 Enterprises with foreign investment and organizations or sites of foreign enterprises set up in the territory of China dealing in production or business operations shall, for the important items of registration such as their establishment, move 第十四条外商投资企业和外国企业在中国境内设立的从事生产、经营的机构、场所设立、迁移、合并、分立、终止以及变更登记主要事项,应当向工商行政管理机关办理登记或者变更、注销登记,并持有关证件向当地税务机关办理税务登记或者变更、注销登记。
Article 14 Facilities for prevention and control of environmental noise pollution must be designed, built and put into use simultaneously with the main part of a construction project. 第十四条建设项目的环境噪声污染防治设施必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用。
Article 14 Guns used for the discharge of official duties shall be manufactured by enterprises designated by the State. 第十四条公务用枪,由国家指定的企业制造。
Article 14 In conducting relief operations during natural calamities and emergencies, personnel, goods and materials, and transportation vehicles marked with the sign of the Red Cross shall enjoy the priority of passage. 第十四条在自然灾害和突发事件中,执行救助任务并标有红十字标志的人员、物资和交通工具有优先通行的权利。
Article 14 In constructing trunk lines of underground traffic and other underground projects in a city, consideration shall be given to the needs of civil air defense. 第十四条城市的地下交通干线以及其他地下工程的建设,应当兼顾人民防空需要。
Article 14 In order to upgrade the management of commodity or service in terms of quality, environment, safety or health, the BSMI may implement certification system in connection with products or management systems. 第14条为提升商品或服务之品质、环境、安全或卫生之管理,标准检验局得推行相关商品或管理系统之验证制度。
Article 14 In the case where a taxpayer, as well as his or her spouse and/or dependents who shall file a joint consolidated income tax return in accordance with the Income Tax Act, has an amount of income or deduction which is covered within the provision 第十四条(个人与配偶及其受扶养亲属应一并计入基本所得额)个人与其依所得税法规定应合并申报综合所得税之配偶及受扶养亲属,有第十二条第一项各款金额者,应一并计入基本所得额。

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