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He always wears a turban and has a big, bushy beard.

He always wants to be the focus of attention. 他总想成为注意力的焦点。
He always wants to bend me to obey his will. 他总是想逼我服从他的意愿.
He always wants to win and he has transmitted that mentality to the squad. 他一直保持必胜的信念,他也将这种信念感染到了整个球队。
He always wears a cap. 他总是戴着一顶帽子.
He always wears a panama hat. 他总戴着一顶巴拿马草帽。
He always wears a turban and has a big, bushy beard. 他的鼻子是长的,又是钩形的。
He always wears black clothes. 他总是穿黑衣。
He always wears funny? ties. 他总是系着滑稽的领带。
He always went about in his patched overalls. 他走到哪里总是穿着那套补过的工作服。
He always works hard for the team and he is a very good finisher as he showed with his two goals. 现在我们能集中精力在冠军联赛半决赛上了”贝尼特斯表示。
He always write lengthy novels. 他的小说总是写得很长.

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