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A Sherlock Holmes encyclopaedia has been published in Japanese.

A Set of stamps in the above designs and in a third design showing a woman quilling was prepared in 1920, but not issued price of set, $4, exist with “SPECIMEN” overprint and imperf counterfeits exist. 1920年亚美尼亚的邮票样票,因印刷套印错误,未发行,存世仅有样票和有缺陷的伪造票(膺品票)。
A Settler or Citizen has to walk to a construction site to build most buildings. 一个移民者或市民必须走路去一个工程位置建立大多数的建筑物。
A Shanda spokesman says the company wants control. 一位盛大发言人称,公司此举意在控制新浪。
A Shandong farmer rode a trike and took his 87-year old motherto visit Beijing. 一个山东农民蹬三轮车把87岁的母亲带到北京游览。
A Shangrila word in Tibetan is solar and moon's meaning,Explains refers to the paradise,World heaven. 香格里拉一词在藏语中是太阳和月亮的意思,喻指世外桃源,人间天堂。
A Sherlock Holmes encyclopaedia has been published in Japanese. 一本日语的福尔摩斯大百科全书出版。
A Sherpa girl around 15 years old may have broken the record for the youngest successful climber of Mount Everest, a Nepal Mountaineering Association official said. 泥泊尔登山运动协会一位官员称,一名大约15岁的夏尔巴族(西藏的一个种族)少女基帕随罗马尼亚登山队攀登珠穆朗玛峰,并已于周四(2003年5月22日)登上世界之巅。
A Shia state on its border, adjacent to where its own restive Shias live, would horrify Saudi Arabia. 而一个纯什叶派国家的建立也会吓怕沙特——该国紧邻伊拉克的什叶派部落已经够难控制的了。
A Short Ranged Bow Attack That Knock Down The Target On A Successful Hit. 短距弓箭攻击,成功击中将使目标击倒。
A Singapore film maker, who made a documentary about an opposition politician that was withdrawn from the city state's film festival this year, said on Tuesday he had been asked to come for questioning by police. 一名拍摄一位反对派政治人物的纪录片,结果该片在这个城市国家今年举办的电影节中遭撤除的新电影导演周二表示,警方要求他前来接受约谈。
A Singaporean school teacher delegation visited Pinghe from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the afternoon of March 16th, 2007. 新加坡教师代表团一行9人于2007年3月16日下午1点至2:30来我校访问,平和学校校长及中小学部主任会见了新加坡客人。

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