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The more quests you answer correct, the more you will see of the lovely pinup girl pictures.

The more people there are and the more crowded their living conditions, authorities warn, the greater the likelihood of violence and upheaval. 权威们警告说,人越多而且其生活环境越拥挤,发生暴力和动乱的可能性就越大。
The more permissive license actually allows more people to get involved. 越宽容的许可证就允许越多群众参与。
The more popular newspapers like to use cartoons and humorous drawings. 更通俗的新闻报刊喜欢使用卡通画和幽默漫画。
The more powerful the AGN, the more likely it was that the galaxy had experienced a major starburst not long ago. AGN若是愈强,该星系就愈有可能在不久前经历过一场大规模的恒星暴增。
The more premarital sex the individuals have had, the greater the tendency to doubt or to suspect one another. 他们在婚前的性行为越多,就越有可能相互怀疑或猜疑。
The more quests you answer correct, the more you will see of the lovely pinup girl pictures. 你回答问题正确的越多,你就可看到更多可爱的女孩图片。
The more rapid and exciting it is, the more change calls for careful management, and wise, humane leadership. 变化越是迅速、越是令人兴奋,就越需要谨慎把握,需要明智和以人为本的领导。
The more rapidly the records are gathered and erased, the less likely that the travesty associated needs to play out amongst the humans that live nearby. 记录收集和抹除得越快,在附近居住的人们间发生悲剧的可能就越小。
The more recollected a man is, and the more simple of heart he becomes, the easier he understands sublime things, for he receives the light of knowledge from above. 人心越沉静,内心就愈素朴,也就愈容易了解崇高的事理,因为他所领受的是来自天上的知识之光。
The more resonant one becomes with the Great Central Sun and the language of her dream, the more likely ascending humans will live through the coming times of cleansing to witness the birth of a new day and era upon earth. 一个人和大中枢太阳及她的梦之语言共振得越多,提升人类就越有可能穿越即将到来的清洁时代,来见证地球上一个新时代的诞生。
The more riches a fool hath, the greater fool he is. 【谚】傻瓜越富越蠢。

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