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I have set the clock here into Chinese Beijing time zone so that you can choose the time periods freely. Thanks again!!

I have serious doubts about it. 我对此有严重的疑虑。
I have served one-year internship at local news agency. 我在当地的新闻社实习过一年。
I have served xxx.xxxx. 我在某某公司做过。
I have set a snare for you, and you also have been taken captive, O Babylon, and you did not know; You were found, and you also were seized, Because you engaged in war with Jehovah. 24巴比伦哪,我为你设下网罗,你被缠住却不自知;你被寻着,也被捉住,因为你与耶和华争战。
I have set aside some money for this journey. 我为这趟旅行存了一些钱.
I have set the clock here into Chinese Beijing time zone so that you can choose the time periods freely. Thanks again!! 我将这里的时钟设置成了中国时间,以便你选择时段,谢谢!!
I have set the info to go into the config file aside so one could simply copy and paste as they work though the guide. 我已经在配置文件中建立信息,使你可以简单的复制和粘贴他们,就像他们在指南中那样的工作。
I have set up a mailing list for anything related to the project. 我们设立了一个邮件列表,希望能够方便大家交流一切与本项目有关的问题。
I have set you as a trier among My people, as a fortress, That you may know and try their way. 27我已立你在我民中为试验的人,为保障,使你知道并试验他们所行的路。
I have set your trap, but my wrath prefers direct combat. 艾德温娜(转盗贼):我设好了你的陷阱,但是我的怒火需要直接战斗才能发泄。
I have seven roommates in my university. 上大学时,我有七个室友。

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