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But the neuroscientists believe they have an answer to this scientific riddle, uncovering a distaff preference for red, hidden atop the universal liking for blue.

But the national debate on immigration has recently acquired a bilious tone, focused overwhelmingly on the threat of illegal immigration. 但是针对移民问题的全国辩论近来压倒性地侧重非法移民的威胁,变得火药味十足。
But the nations that bring their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, those will I let remain still in their own land, saith the Lord; and they shall till it, and dwell therein. 耶27:11但那一邦肯把颈项放在巴比伦王的轭下、服事他、我必使那邦仍在本地存留、得以耕种居住.这是耶和华说的。
But the need for even tighter credit appears to go beyond inflation. 但通货膨胀并非中国进一步收紧银根的唯一理由。
But the negative impact is that it violated the rules of economic development inherent in maritime activities, and caused ill effect to the elevation of Ming Dynasty's national strength and the timely transformation of China's social and economic system, 郑和下西洋负面的消极历史作用主要是:违背了远洋航海活动内在应循的经济性发展规律,对明王朝综合国力的提升和中国社会经济制度的适时转型造成了不良影响,以致使宋元以来航海事业蓬勃发展的大好势头戛然而止,并在闭关锁国政策和西方殖民东侵的内外钳制下,逐步陷于落后被打的悲惨境地。
But the neural network has strong ability to learn and rectify to resolve non-line questions. 而神经网络方法由于有超强的学习、容错性能,对解决非线性问题的效果较好。
But the neuroscientists believe they have an answer to this scientific riddle, uncovering a distaff preference for red, hidden atop the universal liking for blue. 但是神经学家相信他们已经为这个科学之谜找到了答案,也使隐藏在对蓝色普遍喜爱之上的对红色的特别偏爱浮出水面。
But the new findings reveal how, when used properly, the power of hypnotic suggestion can alter cognitive processes as diverse as memory and pain perception. 但目前的最新发现是,使用得当时,催眠的力量可以改变认知过程,包括记忆与疼痛的感知。
But the new happiness gurus are much less willing to defer to people's choices. 但如今新一代的“快乐学”先驱们却趋向于不尊重人们的选择。
But the new rule defined clients as investors. 但是新的提案把客户仅定义为(个体)投资者。
But the new study – carried out between 2001 and 2003 on more than 1,800 analysts whose responses were cross-checked with those of hundreds of executives – takes a different approach. 然而,这一最新研究却采取了与众不同的方式。调查于2001年至2003年进行,针对1800多名分析师进行了问卷调查,他们的回答得到了数百名首席执行官的验证。
But the newcomers' advantages are not overwhelming. 不过新兴跨国公司的优势并不能所向披靡。

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