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As for the future, Lakers fans probably shouldn't expect much roster shuffling or a championship contender very soon. The hope is, a title shot isn't too far away.

As for the disadvantage of the current way to separate the large data set to a group of ones,from the perspective of informatics,advanced a new way to separate the large data set to a group of ones based on entropy,namely select intersected quomodo to les 针对现行数据集分割方法中的不足,从信息学的角度出发,引用信息熵理论,提出了一种简单可行的数据集分割方法,即选择使数据子集的总体熵较小的分割方式,实验结果证明了这种方法的有效性。
As for the euro, nowhere in the region looks likely to follow Slovenia's example and join soon. 至于欧洲地区,该地区的任何其它国家看起来都不会效仿斯洛文尼亚并在短期内加入改革的行列。
As for the export commodities required for sanitary registration (such as beverages, wine, canned foods, small foodstuffs, meat, etc.), companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the authority of exchange commodities mana 对实行卫生注册登记的出口商品(如饮料、酒类、小食品、罐头、肉类等),外贸公司和其他有易货贸易经营权的企业必须从获得卫生注册登记证书的生产厂家收购出口。
As for the export, I advise you to inquire the Ministry of Commerce for relevant information. I have no specific data at hands. 关于出口的问题,我建议你向商务部了解有关情况。我这里不掌握具体数字。
As for the function between education expansion and income distribution, most researches believe that the function is linear, but some of researches believe that the function is inverted-U as hypothesis of Kuznets. 至于教育扩展与收入分配的函数关系,大多数的研究认为二者是线形关系,而部分研究认为二者是一种类似于库兹涅茨假设的倒U型关系。
As for the future, Lakers fans probably shouldn't expect much roster shuffling or a championship contender very soon. The hope is, a title shot isn't too far away. 对于未来,湖蜜们可能不要指望大面积的球员洗牌,或者在短期内成为冠军争夺者。而我们的希望在于一个冠军冲击并不遥远。
As for the future, he looks forward to taking part in more social services and motivating others to join as well. 承翰希望将来继续为社会服务,并鼓励更多朋辈参加义务工作。
As for the globalization common linguistic environment establishment, is constructs the construction calligraphy esthetics is an international discipline basic step. 至于全球化共同语境的建立,更是建构书法美学为一国际性学科的基本步骤。
As for the hardware design of individual module, we present a unified systolic architecture for inter and intra predictions. 对于个别独立区块的硬体设计,本篇论文针对了内部以及相互预测提供了一套硬体架构。
As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea. 至於旅馆呢, 非常不舒服, 而且离海边有好几里地.
As for the house which King Solomon built for the Lord, its length was sixty cubits and its width twenty cubits and its height thirty cubits. 王上6:2所罗门王为耶和华所建的殿、长六十肘、宽二十肘、高三十肘。

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