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Preheat and oil wok with 1 tbsp of oil. Add in beef and fry briefly. Add in vermicelli and fry till cooked.

Preheat an oven to 180C/350F. Shif the flour, baking powder and pudding powder(of milk powder if used). 预热烤箱到180C.把面粉,烤粉,和布丁粉或是奶粉混合过筛备用。
Preheat an oven to 200C/400F. Prepare a baking tin with 11-12 paper liner or simply grease with butter. 烤箱预热到200C/400F。准备11-12个麦芬模,放上麦芬纸杯或是抹油备用。
Preheat an oven to 425°F. Brush an 8 1?2-inch tapas pan with 2 Tbs. of the clarified butter. 把烤箱预热到425华氏度,在81/2英寸的西班牙式小铁锅上刷2汤匙的溶解黄油.
Preheat and Cooling functions selection. 预热及冷却功能选择。
Preheat and cooling function selection. 预热及冷却功能选择。
Preheat and oil wok with 1 tbsp of oil. Add in beef and fry briefly. Add in vermicelli and fry till cooked. 最后下调味料将牛肉及粉丝兜匀,盛于椰菜上,即可享用。
Preheat and oil wok with 1/2 cup of oil, pan fry mud carp roll with low heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Dish and cut into pieces. 烧热镬,下油1/2杯,将紫菜鲮鱼肉卷以慢火煎约5至10分钟,盛起后切件,即可享用。
Preheat oven to 160C/325F. 预热烤箱到160C/325F。
Preheat oven to 160C/325F. Beat egg whites until frothy, add salt,lemon juice and extracts. Add sugar a little at a time; continuebeating until whites are glossy and stiff. 预热烤箱到160C/325F。把蛋白打至粗泡,加入食盐,柠檬汁和香精。然后慢慢加入砂糖,每次加入少许,继续搅打至蛋白呈现干性发泡。
Preheat oven to 170°C. Combine all ingredients together and set aside overnight. spread a very thin layer on a silicone baking mat. 烤箱预热至170℃。混合以上所有材料并放置一晚后将材料薄薄的一层铺再烤盘纸上入烤箱烘培。
Preheat oven to 175C/350F. Cream butter, peanut butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Sift together the flour and baking soda. 烤箱预热到175C/350F。把牛油,花生酱和砂糖打发。面粉和小苏打混合过筛。

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