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Jin Hong Golf Tournament Organizing Committeehas a mission to serve, exploit, develop, be innovative, plan, organize, propagandize and hold major Jin Hong Golf tournaments as planned, and meticulously build golf tournament's branding in China.

Jialiis the member of material resource market of Sinopec and CNPC, general syndic of China Petroleum Equipment Industrial Association, the recommending manufacturer of PLA, China Aviation Oil Corporation, China Shipping Oil and National Petroleum Storage 公司系中石化、中石油物资资源市场成员单位、中国石油设备工业协会常务理事单位、各大军区后勤油料部、中国航空油料总公司、中国船舶油料、国家储备等单位推荐产品的生产企业,为中国石油化工设备制造业十强企业,在业内具有相当的知名度和影响力。
Jianfa Hanbag Technology Factory of Chenghai Citywas established in 1993,acquired private import and export rights by the approval of the Foreign Econonmy and Trade Department in 1999.The area is about 2000 square metres.Is has more than 200 complete sets 澄海市溪南建发手袋工艺厂创建于1993年,1999年经国家外经贸部批准获自营进出口权,厂现有占地面积2000多平方米,生产经营手袋、服装、玩具、美术工艺、纺织、五金、纸、塑料、皮革等制品,拥有生产配套设备200多台套、生产技术力量雄厚,产品主要销往欧洲、美国、澳洲、日本、中东、港台等国家和地区,质量受到众多客户认可。
Jiao Bai from China,Yihe to the world”, Making yihea world-famous brand is the strategic target of the company. 中国的胶白,世界的义和。让义和品牌成为世界的名牌是中心的战备目标。
Jiciangbrand original juice wild grape wine produced by Jiamusi Jixiang Wine Indudtry Co.,Lty.is deeply loved by the consumers and wad appraide as gold medal by the 3rd China Famous Vommodity Fair Committee. 佳木斯市吉祥酒业有限公司生产的“吉祥”牌原汁山葡萄酒深受广大消费者喜爱,被中国第三届名优商品博览会组委会评为金奖。
Jim CrowCars: We protest against the Jim Crowcar, since its effect is and must be to make us pay first-class fare for third-class accommodations, render us open to insults and discomfort and to crucify wantonly our manhood, womanhood and self-respect. “黑人专用”车辆:我们反对“黑人专用”车辆,因为其作用是而且必定是要我们为三等的设备付头等的费用,叫我们在光天化日之下遭受侮辱,使我们惶惶不安,让人随心所欲地摧残我们的男人、女人的尊严与自尊。
Jin Hong Golf Tournament Organizing Committeehas a mission to serve, exploit, develop, be innovative, plan, organize, propagandize and hold major Jin Hong Golf tournaments as planned, and meticulously build golf tournament's branding in China. “金泓高尔夫赛事组委会”本着服务、开拓、创新、发展的工作理念,策划、组织、宣传并举办金泓高尔夫网拟定的各大高尔夫赛事,精心打造中国高尔夫赛事品牌。
JinhuiBrand woman's suits, including sports wear, dust coat, jacket, cotton-padded clothes, T-shirt, seven-tenths trouses, shirt, one-piece dress, cocktail dress and jean sweater, is orienting themselves to serve the upscale consumers. “金卉”女装主要针对高素质、求时尚、爱运动的消费群体,年龄主要定位在16-30岁之间的女性领都市运动时尚休闲族,主要产品有运动套装、风衣、茄克、棉衣、T恤、七分裤、衬衫、连衣裙、短裙、毛衫牛仔系列等。
Joe got fired from that big company because they thought he was too much of a free-wheeler: he wouldn't fit into the system. Now he's working as a used-car salesman. 这句话的意思是:“乔伊被那家大公司解雇了,因为他们认为他不能按照公司的制度办事,过于自作主张。现在,他在一个卖旧汽车的地方做推销员。”
Joe is really in hot water now -- his girlfriend just found out he's seeing another woman. 这句话的意思是:“乔伊现在可是难办了,因为他的女朋友最近发现他另外还有一个女朋友。”
Joe's a good manager,Wang said, adding that he is most proud of the 218 innings he pitched this season, fifth most in the American League. 小民说洋基会输这个系列赛是因为老虎的投手太好了!小民进一步说:他没听到任何有关老托去留的消息!
JoeI'm going to have to drill this lock out of the door for us to get in. The drill will make some noiseso keep your eyes peeled for the cops. 这个罪犯在做案的时候对他的同夥说:“乔伊,我得把这门上的锁钻下来,这样我们才能进去。我钻的时候会有声音,所以你得睁大眼睛,注意看有没有警察。”

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