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From September,2006 to May,2007, work as English Merchandiser in Guangzhou Tak Fat Fashions Ltd, I work as an interpreter while receiving the foreign visitors and accompanying them to visit the factory, besides ,I translate the documents pertinent to Huma

From Sep, 1996 to July, 1999, I was learning in the No. 4 Middle school of LianYuan. 受教育/培训经历:从1996年9月到1999年7月在湖南省涟源市第四中学就读.
From September 1988 to July 1993, 23 patients underwent testicular exploration under suspicion of testicular torsion. 摘要自1988年9月至1993年7月,共有23位病人因疑似睾丸扭转而接受睾丸探查手术。
From September 22nd onwards, a supplementary worksheet will be given to pupils every Friday. 让儿童温习及巩固已授知识,由9月22日(第三周)开始,逢星期五会有补充练习纸一张作温习之用。
From September 23 to October 8, 1997, tentative groundwater exploration was carried out by Y11B Aerogeophysical (Electric/Magnetic) Integrated Station and GPS navigation locating in Anxi-Dunhuang area, Gansu Province. 摘要1997年9月23日~10月8日,在甘肃省安西-敦煌地区用Y11B航空物探(电/磁)综合站和GPS导航定位进行了地下水勘查试生产工作。
From September, Canberra is set to raise the minimum English standards required for students to obtain residency. 目前正处于墨尔本市长第二任期内的苏震西表示:在我那个年代,如果你回到中国,机会非常有限。
From September,2006 to May,2007, work as English Merchandiser in Guangzhou Tak Fat Fashions Ltd, I work as an interpreter while receiving the foreign visitors and accompanying them to visit the factory, besides ,I translate the documents pertinent to Huma 工作描述:(1)2007.5~2006.9在广州市德发时装有限公司任职英语跟单员,主要负责接待国外客人,陪同客人参观工厂,另外还负责翻译有关人权状况,工厂生产力评估等文件的翻译,负责跟进样板的进度以及翻译各个客人的做板资料。
From Shuogua in Changes of Book to Ximing by Zhang Zai, there is a logic progress of Confucian outlook on life. 摘要从《周易?说卦》到张载《西铭》,存在着一条儒家人生观的逻辑发展的链条。
From Silicon feedback to complete solar cell modules, we handle all aspects of manufacturing as a fabrication expert, equipment maker, system integrator, and as a design partner of custom manufactured PV equipment for commercialization. 从高纯硅材料到完整的太阳能电池组件,在这些产品的生产设备制作,系统集成,与客户联合设计的光伏制造设备等诸多方面,我们精心打造每个细节。
From Skardu the route goes via Shigar-Da u-Askole up to Concordia over the Baltoro glacier. 从斯卡都出发,通过施迦--达苏--阿斯科尔直到巴尔托洛冰川上的肯考迪娅峰。
From Skardu the route goes via Shigar-Dassu-Askole up to Concordia over the Baltoro glacier. 从斯卡都出发,通过施迦--达苏--阿斯科尔直到巴尔托洛冰川上的肯考迪娅峰。
From South Africa to Belgium to the United States to Finland to Brazil to India, I have personally heard from broadsheet newspaper publishers who are using the London story to challenge format assumptions at their companies. 南非、柏林、美国、芬兰、巴西和印度大版式报纸的出版人给我个人写信来告知,他们正推行伦敦的故事来应对外界对报纸版式的各种猜测。

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