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The girl who is wearing a ball-dress is Mr. White's daughter.

The girl went souse into the water. 这女孩扑通地跳到水里去了。
The girl went to the museum by a surrey. 那个女孩坐着一辆四轮双座轻便马车去博物馆了。
The girl wept over her sad fate. 那女孩为自己悲惨的命运而哭泣。
The girl wheedled a pound out of her father. 这姑娘从父亲那里骗取了一个英镑。
The girl who ever between life and death already grew into know a thing or two,she know death is an easy thing (how wisfully she ever was attached to life)..Human come to here just for being alive ,for how to live better,if just for death ,why came for th 一个曾经在生死线上挣扎的女儿终于长大了.她懂得死是件容易的事(她曾经对生是多么的依恋).人来到这世界是为了活着,为了怎么样才能够更好的活着,如果生来就是为了死何苦走这一遭呢?
The girl who is wearing a ball-dress is Mr. White's daughter. 穿着舞会服装的那个女孩子是怀特先生的女儿。
The girl who never make the first move, automatically lose interest on us when we take the initiative. 那些从不主动的女人一旦我们采取主动就对我们失去兴趣。
The girl who spoke is my best friend. 那讲话的女孩是我最好的朋友。
The girl who was here before is our pupil. 曾经在这里的女孩是我们的学生。
The girl winced as the gentlest possible stroke was administered to one of her bare thighs. 女孩的大腿被极其轻柔地划过,她身子一缩。
The girl with her parents exits. (穷女孩和她的父母退场。)

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