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“If we don't have enough Americans going into these fields, and if we don't have the foreign talent to fill the gaps, it jeopardises US innovation – and that is the underpinning of American competitiveness.

“If there is I'd like to know,” said the lady, “I'm his wife and I've been trying to shut him up for twenty years. “如果有办法的话,我倒很想知道。”这位夫人说,“我是他的妻子,我已经试了二十年了,都没能办到。”
“If there is another bid, it will be a final and non-negotiable one, and will be dependent on progress in the goods and services parts of the talks,” the Commission official said. “如果有另一个提议,那将是没有协商余地的最终提议,并将取决于商品和服务部分谈判的进展,”该委员会官员表示。
“If they become ill, they will do so knowing they choose the condition in order to emphasize certain areas of development, or to minimize others. “如果他们生病,他们会明白,他们选择这种情形,是为了强调发展的某些领域,或减弱另一些领域。
“If this is half as effective in humans as it is in mice it could be that half of patients could be cured or at least given one to two years extra of high quality life. “如果这种疗法在人身上的治疗效果是老鼠的一半,那么50%的癌症患者都能治愈,或者他们至少能多活一、两年,享受高质量的生活。”
“If we cannot love ourselves, where will we draw our love for anyone else?” You can't give away something you don't have. “如果我们做不到爱自己,又怎么能为别人奉献出爱心呢?”是的,你根本无法奉献出连你自己都没拥有的东西。
“If we don't have enough Americans going into these fields, and if we don't have the foreign talent to fill the gaps, it jeopardises US innovation – and that is the underpinning of American competitiveness. “如果没有数量足够的美国学生进入这些领域,同时如果没有外国人才来填补这些空白,这将有损美国的创新能力——而这正是美国竞争力的根本所在。”
“If we fail to do SO,and allow the disease to overwhelm US。the consequences will be catastrophic。”he added. “如果我们做不到这一点而让这种疾病肆虐的话,其结果是灾难性的。”他补充说。
“If we get that medal in our hands, then we can say the league is over. “如果我们把奖杯拿到手,那对我们来说联赛就结束了。
“If we had felt that we did not have the means to build a great Juventus side again then we would have let him go immediately. “假如我们感到我们不能重建一支伟大的尤文图斯,我们早就已经将他卖掉了。”
“If we only knew what we know, viz., in the use of certain words and concepts that are so subtle in application, we would be astonished at the treasures contained in our knowledge. “(Immanuel Kant, Vienna Logic. 「要是我们明白自己知道的一切,即明白我们用某些词语或意念时隐然流露的知识,那麽,我们对自己知识里所藏珍宝之多,一定会感到惊讶。」
“If you dont sit still, you must be tied down,said Bessie. Miss Abbot, lend me your garters; she would break mine directly. “要是你不安安稳稳坐着,我们可得绑住你了,”贝茜说,“艾博特小姐,把你的袜带借给我,我那副会被她一下子绷断的。”

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