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The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the country's richest 1,000 people reached nearly 146 billion by January, the cut-off point for the survey.

The 120-pound primate, Judy, escaped yesterday into a service area when a zookeeper opened a door to her sleeping quarters, unaware the animal was still inside. 这头重达120磅的大猩猩名叫朱笛。昨天,动物园管理人员在不知晓朱笛还在里面的情况下就打开它“卧室”的大门。之后这只大猩猩就溜出来,逃到动物园的服务区里。
The 125 guest rooms are decorated in various styles , all equipped with central air-conditioning , international satellite TV system, mini-bar , refrigerator .IDD and so on. 酒店拥有风格迥异,特点鲜明,装饰华丽的单(双)人房、套房125间(套),均设有中央空调,国际卫星电视系统,迷你酒吧,冰箱,国际直拨电话等设施。
The 125-foot statue of Christ the Redeemer with outstretched arms overlooks Rio de Janeiro from atop Mount Corcovado. 救世主耶稣雕像(巴西):125英尺高的救世主耶稣雕像坐落于科尔科瓦杜山之巅,张开双臂俯瞰里约热内卢。
The 128-electrode netting allowed for much more extensive brain-wave monitoring than was available previously. 这种具有128个电极的电网可比以往使用的同类产品采集脑电波的幅度更大。
The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the country's richest 1,000 people reached nearly --146 billion by January, the cut-off point for the survey. 第12次的年度财富排行榜将显示:到1月份,也就是调查的截止日期,英国最富有的1000人的财富总和达到了1460亿英镑。
The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the country's richest 1,000 people reached nearly 146 billion by January, the cut-off point for the survey. 第12个年度财富排行榜将显示:到1月份,也就是调查的截止日期,英国最富有的1000人的财富总和达到近1460亿英镑。
The 12th house person, like the Piscean, wants to identify with something greater than himself. 第十二宫强的人,好像双鱼,会认定一样比他强/伟大的事/人/物。
The 12th house rules behind-the-scenes activities and places, such as hospitals, institutions, etc. 第十二宫掌管幕后的活动及地点,例如医院,机构之类的。
The 12th house rules our subconscious mind. 第十二宫统治我们的潜意识。
The 12th house traditionally rules self-doing or -undoing, implying that we are either our own best friend or worst enemy. 第十二宫传统地统治自我实现或自我毁灭,即我们最好的朋友或最坏的敌人。
The 12:50 train, because it's ten to one if you catch it. 是12点50分的火车,因为赶上它只有10比1的概率。

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