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Though some entries may perplex and infuriate lingusitic pursits, the dictionary's publishers say words are only included if they are well-known and have proven they can pass the test of time.

Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly. 虽然她已失业,但她说是自愿离职,以保全面子。
Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly. 她失去了工作, 却说是自愿离职以保全面子.
Though she's in her 70's, she's always full of beans. 尽管她已经七十多岁,但她总是精力充沛。
Though she's not perfect, she has countless good traits. 虽然她不是完美的,但她却有许多让人数不完的优点。
Though small, these islands have played pivotal roles in history. 这些岛屿虽然很小,但是在历史上则具有很重要的地位。
Though some entries may perplex and infuriate lingusitic pursits, the dictionary's publishers say words are only included if they are well-known and have proven they can pass the test of time. 虽然当中有些词可能会让语言学家觉得困惑甚至生气,不过字典编辑部说,只有流行的词才会被纳入字典,时间会证明这些词语的作用的。
Though some market experts consider it as a measure of China's central bank to substitute a rising in its reserve ratio, or to consummate the yielding curve, central bank's anticipation is obvious: in the coming two years, China's central bank will contin 虽然有市场人士认为这是中国央行以此替代上调准备金率、或是为完善收益率曲线,但是央行的预期则是显而易见:今后两年,中国央行的外汇占款压力仍然非常大。
Though some may regard Internet addiction as another dubious ailment dreamed up to keep therapists in work, Relatio hip Services says the problem is real. 有些人认为,沉醉于因特网的人是患有某种假想的精神失调症,这只是使得精神治疗专家有事可做。然而,关系服务网站却认为这个问题确实存在。
Though some may regard Internet addiction as another dubious ailment dreamed up to keep therapists in work, Relationship Services says the problem is real. 有些人认为,沉醉于因特网的人是患有某种假想的精神失调症,这只是使得精神治疗专家有事可做。然而,关系服务网站却认为这个问题确实存在。
Though some of the practices involved in traditional Moroccan wedding ceremonies have changed to reflect changes in society, the ceremony remains an extremely elaborate event. 尽管传统婚礼中的一些风俗习惯已经随着社会的变化而改变了,但是结婚仪式依旧是件极为精致繁复的大事。
Though sometimes I feel pity, I have never had a suicidal notion. 7当然,有时我确实感到遗憾,但从未产生过自杀的念头.

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