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Oh! Don't mention it!replied the man, I cannot leave because I am the next speaker.

Oh spirit and guardion of the West , Ancient one of the water , I call thee to come forth and charge this circle , with the power of the tides . 喔!西方的灵魂守护者,太古的海扬守护者啊!我召请祢来保护这个结界,以潮水的力量。
Oh that there were one among you who would shut the gates, that you might not uselessly kindle fire on My altar! 玛1:10甚愿你们中间有一人关上殿门、免得你们徒然在我坛上烧火。
Oh that you were like a brother to me Who nursed at my mother's breasts. If I found you outdoors, I would kiss you; No one would despise me, either. 歌8:1巴不得你像我的兄弟、像吃我母亲奶的兄弟.我在外头遇见你、就与你亲嘴.谁也不轻看我。
Oh yeah, I will go to Austria! “欧耶,我要去奥地利咯!”
Oh yes, quite serious,said the doctor gravely. In fact, there are three doctors there already! “噢,是的,特别严重,”医生严肃地说:“事实上,那儿已经有三个医生了。”
Oh! Don't mention it!replied the man, I cannot leave because I am the next speaker. “哦,别客气!”那人答到,“我不能走,因为下一个发言的人是我。”
Oh! I daresay she is crying because she could not go out with Missis in the carriage,interposed Bessie. 啊,我想是因为不能跟小姐们一起坐马车出去才哭的,”贝茜插嘴说。
Oh! I forget.Mr. Forgetful says, Where is my key, Ben?Help me please. “哎呀,我忘了。”健忘先生说,“我的钥匙在哪里,本?请帮帮我。”
Oh! I wouldn't listen to Bessie,said the farmer. She doesn't know a thing about cars. “哦!我不该相信贝茜的,”农夫说,“她根本就不懂关于汽车的事。”
Oh! It's …little snail, how can you be so thin and so small. “天哪!你病成这样,我真的很难过。”小蜗牛伤心地要哭出来了,可是他实在太干了,连眼泪都流不出来了。
Oh! Tell us about her. Auntie,cried imogen. I can just remember her. She's the skeleton in the family cupboard, isn't she? 哦,给我们讲一讲她的事儿吧,好姑姑,伊莫根嚷嚷道,我几乎记不得她了,她是咱们家衣橱里的骷髅,丑得见不得人,是吗?

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