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After enters the world outside economics and trade organizational reform speeding up, the import and export manages the qualifications implementation to register and to approve the system, the country to entrust with many enterprises direct imports and ex

After entering into WTO, there are more uncertainty factors in Chinese financial market, especially the management of commercial banks will face tough test Should we continue to control the loans or loosen it, there is no clear answer. 是继续加强对贷款的管制,还是顺应金融自由化的浪潮而放松管制,很难有明确划一的答案。
After entering orbit around the Red Planet, the Chinese micro-satellite will detach from the Russian spacecraft, and probe the Martian space environment, according to the statement. 探测器进入火星轨道后,中国卫星将和探测器分离,考察火星的空间环境.
After entering the bath, the body should be fully warmed, and when the pores puff more Salbes mineral salt is applied on all over the back. 入浴后让身体充分温热,待毛孔张开后多抹些索贝斯矿盐在后背,各个角落都要抹到。
After entering the post industrial society, as the changes of social-economic structures, the industrial sites at waterfronts has been gradually abandoned. 进入后工业社会以来,随着经济社会形态和产业结构的变化,城市中的滨水工业生产用地以及仓储用地相继被废弃。
After enters the work room we to be able to carry on the essential exchange with you, and asks you this on to write down your individual information in the material. 2进入工作室后我们会与你进行必要的交流,并请你在资料本上写下你的个人信息。
After enters the world outside economics and trade organizational reform speeding up, the import and export manages the qualifications implementation to register and to approve the system, the country to entrust with many enterprises direct imports and ex 随着入世后外经贸体制改革的加快,进出口经营资格实行登记和核准制,国家赋予许多企业直接进出口的自主权,他们对外贸人才的需求将逐步增加。
After entry into the plant, the visitor shall wear his/her visitor's card and the temporary visiting pass for his/her vehicle shall also be placed in a prominent position. 六、外来人员及车辆入厂后应将访客牌及车辆临时通行证佩戴或放置在显著位置。
After establishing diplomatic relations, both countries dedicate to develop traditional amities and bilateral relations, political faith in each other has been incessantly strengthened, cooperation in economics and trade fields and so on is rich in effect 建交以来,两国都致力于发展传统友好和双边关系,政治互信不断加强,经贸等领域的合作富有成效,在国际事务中保持着良好沟通与协调。
After establishing that she loved her daughters and loved boyfriend and considered them more important than show biz, I suggested she be grateful for the choices she had already made and her successful implementation of them. 在确定她爱她的女儿和丈夫,并且认为这些爱比她的表演业更加重要以后,我建议她对自己已经做出并成功履行的选择感恩。
After every class, I always write up my notes straight away. 每次下课之后,我总是立即把笔记整理清楚。
After everything I've done for him, he still ignores me. 尽管我什么都为他做了, 他还是不理我.

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