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He has great facility in learning languages.

He has got the goal and then he was back on the edge of our penalty area getting a tackle in. 打入一个进球后,他还有一次回防到禁区边的铲断。
He has got to Beijing so far. 到目前为止他已到了北京。
He has got used to taking exercise in the morning. 他已经养成了早晨锻炼的习惯。
He has grand, progressive, goals—to end the war in Iraq (obviously), provide universal health care, address global warming, eliminate poverty in America within 30 years—and detailed blueprints of how to do it all. 他对结束伊拉克战争(必定地)、提供公众医疗保健、关心全球变暖、30年内消灭美国贫穷等政题既有宏观和顺序递进的目标,亦不乏如何操作的蓝图细节。
He has great expectations from his uncle. 他渴望从叔叔那继承大笔遗产。
He has great facility in learning languages. 他有学语言的天赋。
He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy far all that. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。
He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。
He has great skill in drawing. 他画画很有技巧。
He has great talent but he's matured off and on the court. 他仍然极有天赋但是场上场下都变成熟了。
He has great talent, but he has lost his faith. 他很有天赋,但是他已经丧失了信心。

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