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[bbe] And put the ark of the Lord on the cart, and the gold images which you are sending as a sin-offering in a chest by its side; and send it away so that it may go.

[bbe] And put it in the resting-place which had been cut out of the rock for himself; and after rolling a great stone to the door of it he went away. 安放在自己的新坟墓里、就是他凿在磐石里的.他又把大石头滚到墓门口、就去了。
[bbe] And put oil on them as you did on their father, so that they may be my priests: the putting on of oil will make them priests for ever, from generation to generation. 怎样膏他们的父亲、也要照样膏他们、使他们给我供祭司的职分.他们世世代代凡受膏的、就永远当祭司的职任。
[bbe] And put old stitched-up shoes on their feet, and old clothing on their backs; and all the food they had with them was dry and broken up. 他们到吉甲营中见约书亚、对他和以色列人说、我们是从远方来的.现在求你与我们立约。
[bbe] And put out the servant who is of no profit into the outer dark: there will be weeping and cries of sorrow. 把这无用的仆人、丢在外面黑暗里.在那里必要哀哭切齿了。
[bbe] And put spices on the fire in them before the Lord tomorrow; then the man marked out by the Lord will be holy: you take overmuch on yourselves, you sons of Levi. 明日在耶和华面前、把火盛在炉中、把香放在其上.耶和华拣选谁、谁就为圣洁.你们这利未的子孙擅自专权了。
[bbe] And put the ark of the Lord on the cart, and the gold images which you are sending as a sin-offering in a chest by its side; and send it away so that it may go. 你们要看看、车若直行以色列的境界到伯示麦去、这大灾就是耶和华降在我们身上的.若不然、便可以知道不是他的手击打我们、是我们偶然遇见的。
[bbe] And put the cover over the ark, and in the ark the record which I will give you. 要将施恩座安在柜的上边、又将我所要赐给你的法版放在柜里。
[bbe] And put the linen bands round Aaron and his sons, and the head-dresses on them, to make them priests by my order for ever: so you are to make Aaron and his sons holy to me. 给亚伦和他儿子束上腰带、包上裹头巾、他们就凭永远的定例、得了祭司的职任.又要将亚伦和他儿子分别为圣。
[bbe] And put them all on the hands of Aaron and of his sons, to be waved for a wave offering before the Lord. 都放在亚伦的手上、和他儿子的手上、作为摇祭、在耶和华面前摇一摇。
[bbe] And put up the hangings forming the open space all round it, with the curtain over its doorway. 用膏油把帐幕和其中所有的都抹上、使帐幕和一切器具成圣、就都成圣。
[bbe] And putting over it the leather cover and over that a blue cloth; and putting its rods in place. 又用海狗皮盖在上头、再蒙上纯蓝色的毯子、把杠穿上。

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