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Sleek Body Design:Clean,modern design of The Dispenser body looks great and eliminates water droplet collection . Sleek shape doesn't protrude into shower.

Sleazy transfers of mispriced assets from the state to the private sector would become vastly more difficult. 将定价有误的公有资产转移到私人名下的不光彩做法将有巨大难度。
Slectromagnet clearance stop,making the counting more precise. 不锈钢上胶轮,清洗极为方便。
Sled pulled by dog is in common use in the Arctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用。
Sleds pulled by dogs are in common use in the Arctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用。
Slee a ea, a extreme form of oring, i a ociated with higher heart disease risk. 呼吸暂停症就是极为严重的一种打鼾,患此症的人很可能患有心脏病。
Sleek Body Design:Clean,modern design of The Dispenser body looks great and eliminates water droplet collection . Sleek shape doesn't protrude into shower. 物体的结构光滑:干净,具有现代结构。分配器的主体看起来一流和清除贮藏的小滴水,光泽的外形使外观不会凸出。
Sleek surfaces are a hallmark of the style. 光滑的表面是现代派厨房的特点。
Sleep also may give the brain a chance to exercise important neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate from lack of activity. 此外,睡眠也给大脑一个机会去锻炼重要的神经元之间的连接,这些连接如果缺乏活动就可能发生变质。
Sleep and alertness are regulated by a complex interaction between the body's internal biologic clocks, the reticular activating system, and various influences such as light or anxiety that can interfere with the normal sleep cycles. 睡眠和觉醒是众多复杂因素相互作用的结果,如人体内生物种、脑干网状激活体系统及其他各种可以影响正常睡眠周期的因素,如灯光、焦虑等。
Sleep apnea, an extreme form of snoring, is associated with higher heart disease risk. 呼吸暂停症就是极为严重的一种打鼾,患此症的人很可能患有心脏病。
Sleep deprivation also magnifies alcohol's effects on the body, so a fatigued person who drinks will become much more impaired than someone who is well-rested. 睡眠剥夺还增加酒精对身体的影响,因此,饮酒后疲劳驾驶比睡眠充足的人交通意外的危险大的多。

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