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A lot of water that used to plunge down now goes through the electric power stations, both American and Canadian.

A lot of unofficial World Cup-related items are available in German stores and on German Web sites as merchants try to cash in on World Cup mania. 商人试图从世界盃的狂热中大捞一笔,许多与世界盃相关的非正式产品,在德国的商店和网站上都买得到。
A lot of us recall the hand wringing over that study, the countless articles and TV debates, the tearful conversations between single women and their mothers. 我们中有许多人还记得这一研究结果是如何让她们唏嘘和无奈,还有围绕这则报导的数不清的文章和电视讨论,以及单身女性和她们的母亲之间催人泪下的交谈。
A lot of us were invited at the last minute. 我们中的许多人是在最后时刻接到邀请的。
A lot of variety, but temperate. 气候多样但是适宜。
A lot of waste from the factory is polluting the sea. 工厂排放出的大量废弃物正在污染海洋。
A lot of water that used to plunge down now goes through the electric power stations, both American and Canadian. 过去常常往下冲的大量的水,现在都流过美国和加拿大的发电站。
A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life. 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。
A lot of workers were thrown into unemployment. 很多工人陷入失业状态.
A lot people think that you have to have a jury trial, but that's not always the best thing. 很多人认为必须选择陪审团审理,但是那并不总是最好的选择。
A lot remains to be done. 还有许多事情要做。
A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge. 在很大程度上将取决於她对这一难题的反应。

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