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Because spinal anesthesia blocks innervation of the bladder, administration large amounts of intravenous fluids may cause bladder distention, and a urethral catheter may be carried.

Because some work personnel had the mistake, the document is delivered mistakenly the department. 由于某个办公人员出了差错,文件被送错了部门。
Because sometimes you have to step out side the person you've been and remember the person you meant to be,person you wanted to be,person you are. 只因,有时你必须驱逐你已然成为的那个人,然后记起你原本是要做个什么样的人,你想要做个什么样的人,记起你是个什么样的人.
Because soulknives rum the power of their minds to such weaponry, they are notorious for their violence. 由于魂刃者用他们的精神造出这种武器,因此他们的暴力性也是出了名的。
Because specialty, our earphone is quite credibility! 因为专业,我们生产的耳机,品质更可靠!
Because specialty, the price is very reasonable! 因为专业,我们生产的耳机,价格更优惠!
Because spinal anesthesia blocks innervation of the bladder, administration large amounts of intravenous fluids may cause bladder distention, and a urethral catheter may be carried. 因脊髓麻醉阻滞了膀胱的神经支配,大量静脉输液会引起膀胱膨胀,因此可能需要插导尿管。
Because state health officials are convinced the CDC's requirement will backfire. 因为卫生部门官员们认为,美国疾病控制中心的这一要求会造成相反的结果。
Because still there is the most beautiful recollection, because of we are each other forget all and never yet! 因为还有最美的回忆,因为我们彼此都还不曾忘记!
Because stormy waves was very great, other teams assigned two persons to cast the net, and I, only one, cast the net by myself, while went ahead by swimming, so every time it took my so much energy, when I got to the bank, I was breathless, and was rocky 因为风浪比较大,别的队都是两个人下网,而我只能一个人边用双脚踩水前进,边用双手下网,所以每一次下网都消耗我很多的体力,每次上岸的时候总是气喘吁吁,走路都带有点摇晃。
Because strict proceed the production with local standard according to the international advanced technique, the lamp that company produce has the material of choose good, maintain to wait the advantage easily, product sell the whole country combines the 由于严格按国际先进的技术和国内标准进行生产,公司生产的灯具具有选材优良、坚固耐用、抗震防腐、耐高温、密封好、易维修等优点,产品行销全国并出口到世界部分国家和地区。
Because subjective as well as objective many reasons, this kind of family pattern useed by more second generation of workers from countryside. 由于主观以及客观的诸多原因,这种家庭模式被更多的第二代农民工采用。

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