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A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky, royal blue-and-purple, above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options.

A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three. 一条红鲱鱼吞下一个还剩三个。
A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。
A red light is a signal of danger, which is even known to a five-year-old child. 红灯是危险的信号,这一点就连五岁的孩子都知道。
A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
A red or white wine originally produced in the region of east-south France. 勃艮第酒:原产于法国勃艮第的红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒。
A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky, royal blue-and-purple, above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options. 红色印花外套,配上低胸丝质的皇家蓝紫过膝中裙绝对是你参加时尚派对的完美着装。
A red rose bud stands for budding desire, an open white rose asks Will you love me? 一朵红玫瑰花蕾代表萌发中的情欲;一枝盛开的白玫瑰则是在探问:“你会爱我吗?”
A red rose bud stands for budding desive;an open while rose askes:will you love me? 一朵红玫瑰花蕾代表萌发中的情欲;一枝盛开的白玫瑰则在探问:'你会爱我吗?
A red rose given to a true love, a daisy peeking out of a buttonhole, a bundle of violets handed demurely to a crusheach conveys a different sentiment. 红玫瑰献给真爱,雏菊从钮扣孔探出头来张望,一束紫罗兰庄严地递到梦中情人面前,不同的情感就这样得到传递。
A red sky at night (when the sun is to the west) is caused by light passing through dust particles in the air to the west. 晚上天色发红(太阳在西面),是因为西面的空气中的尘粒对经过的光线散射所形成的。
A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day/indicates that the following day will be fine. 晚上天边红预示明朝天气好.

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