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The predicted value of the model theory coincided basically with the experimental result of the waste gas methyl benzene of low concentration in the trickling biofilter.

The predication theories include of similar analogy, ore deposit model, geo-anomaly, deposit metallogenic series and metallogenic system. 预测理论有相似类比理论、矿床模型理论以及地质异常理论、成矿系列和成矿系统理论等。
The predicative structure of a sentence (noun/verb/phrase) cannot guarantee its meaning—as the example of Archie Bunker's rhetorical question shows. 一个肯定性的句子并不能保证自己的意义,正如在班克的修辞性问题所展示的。
The predictability of the classroom helps to cushion the impact of deployment on children and the entire school community. 有预见性的教育机构帮助我们去减轻战争对孩子们以及整个学校团体的负面影响。
The predicted petroleum resources in place of Ordovician in Tahe oilfield amount to about 1.414×10^9 t, which provide the geological basis for oil-gas exploration planning and preparing the mid-and long-term development goals in this area. 塔河油田奥陶系石油地质资源量为14.14×10^8t这将为塔河油田油气规划部署和编制中长期发展目标提供地质依据。
The predicted results show that the optimization weighted array model improves the forecast accuracy. 预测结果表明,优化加权组合模型可提高预测精度。
The predicted value of the model theory coincided basically with the experimental result of the waste gas methyl benzene of low concentration in the trickling biofilter. 模型的理论预测值与生物膜滴滤塔净化低浓度甲苯废气的实验结果基本吻合。
The predicted yield is 2700 exportable boxes/ha/year, one of the highest ever obtained in the region. 预测产量为2700出口货箱/公顷/年,该地区曾获最高产量之一。
The prediction error percentage of the 52000t all-purpose cargo ship compared with the model test result is 21.8%, 300000t VLCC compared with the measured value is merely 3.64%. 用该公式预报的5.2万吨多用途货船的脉动压力值与空泡水筒中的实验值相比误差为21.8%;预报了30万吨超大型油船的激振力并由该激振力算出的尾端振动速度值与实测值相比误差仅为3.64%。
The prediction method of field water pollution source was briefly discussed. 初步探讨了面源水污染预测方法。
The prediction of disastrous space weather is a hot topi c among solar-terrestrial physics and high technological fields.We propose that the future forecasting of the physical conditions that the violent solar disturb ance causes at the earth by propagati 空间灾害性天气的预报是日地物理学界及高科技领域的热门话题.未来预测太阳剧烈扰动所造成的行星际风暴到达地球空间的状态势必借助于数值方法.浅析了空间灾害性扰动事件数值预报存在的问题及未来设想,针对这一目的对一维球对称问题提出了处理行星际激波的6步求解方法,指出未来空间灾害性扰动事件预报模式应是一个基于三维的以真实太阳风为背景自洽建立起来的、以太阳等离子体输出及磁场全球结构为初边值、太阳、行星际、地磁因果耦合模式.
The prediction of oil-gas operation cost is the first step of cost budget and control. 摘要油气操作成本预测是成本预算与控制的首要环节。

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