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Genetic Variation of S1 Gene Hypervariable Region I of Infectious Bronchitis Viruses Isolated in Different Periods in Guangxi

Application of polyurethane elastomers in medical treatment 聚氨酯弹性体在医学领域中的应用
Effects of NaCl,KCl and NaNO3 on the Growth and Ion Composition and Distribution in Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall. NaCl、KCl和NaNO3对盐地碱蓬生长以及植物体内离子组成和分布的效应
Regulation of PrfA-dependent Virulence Genes Expression in Listeria monocytogenes 单核细胞增生李斯特菌PrfA蛋白转录调控毒力基因表达的分子机制
Effects of Different Fertilization and Land Use History on the Bacterial Diversity in Black Soils 不同施肥/土地利用方式对黑土细菌多样性的影响
Advantages of RNA Interference in Anti-hepatitis B Virus Therapy RNA干扰在抗乙肝治疗中的应用及其研究进展
Genetic Variation of S1 Gene Hypervariable Region I of Infectious Bronchitis Viruses Isolated in Different Periods in Guangxi 广西不同时期IBV分离株S1基因高变区Ⅰ的遗传变异分析
Application of Recent Biological Mass Spectrometry in Biomacrolecules Analysis and Research 现代生物质谱技术在生物大分子分析研究中的应用
A Review on the Effects of Cell Wall on the Resistance of Plants to Metal Stress 植物根系细胞壁在提高植物抵抗金属离子毒性中的作用
Scanning electron microscope observation to pollen morphology of eleven species of eight genera in Cucurbitaceae 葫芦科8属11种植物花粉形态的扫描电镜观察
Phosphorus uptake characteristics of six aquatic plants 不同水生植物对磷的吸收特性
Secondary Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytic Fungus B77 in the South China Sea 南海红树林内生真菌B77次级代谢产物研究

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