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The traumas and the learnings, the understandings, and the experiences of love and those of darkness.

The trapper leads a solitary life in the mountains. 那个设陷阱捕猎的人孤独地生活在山里。
The trapper realized that he had been greedy and mean. 猎人意识到了自己的自私和贪婪。
The trash can be thrown away . 可以扔掉垃圾。
The trash can was thrown away . 垃圾桶被扔掉了。
The trauma to the tendon tissue prompts the body to deliver blood and nutrients to the site as part of its healing response. 腱子组织损伤的部位在自我恢复的过程中会促使身体将血液与营养物质传送到损伤部位。
The traumas and the learnings, the understandings, and the experiences of love and those of darkness. 那些心灵创伤和那些学习、那些理解,和那些爱的经验还有那些黑暗。
The traumatologists of this hospital master the theories &experience of physiological functions and pathological changes about bio-energy &blood, external and internal of Chinese medicine, and go in for diagnosis of trauma. 本部伤科医师掌握中医学有关气血、筋骨、脏腑的生理功能及病理变化的基本知识及经验,从事伤科有关损伤之诊疗及治疗。
The travel agency booked a limousine to transfer us from the airport to our hotel. 旅行社订了一部高级轿车,将我们从机场接送到饭店。
The travel agency has arranged everything for our trips to Canada. 旅行社已为我们的加拿大之行准备好一切。
The travel agency has arranged for a double room for my family and myself. My name is Jack House. 旅行社已为我和我的家安排了一间双人房。我的名字叫杰克豪斯。
The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking. 饭店的旅行社代办各种预订票。

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