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A new technique for extraction of curcumin in curcuma aromatica has been developed, which is based on cellulose enzymolysis.

Application of combination transfer pump to continuous blood purification; 组合输液泵在连续性血液净化中的应用
Contrast Research of Therapeutic Effect on Urinaemia with Component Artifi-cial Kidney and Hematodialysis; 组合人工肾与单独血液透析治疗尿毒症疗效的对比研究
On Spiritual Value Orientation of the Writers in Different Dynasties; 纵论历代作家精神价值取向
The article summarizes the cultivating technique of cover sweet cherry field,that comprises the cultivar adapt to cultivate in cover sweet cherry field,the seeding planting,the tree training system and the key cultivating technique during one year. 总结了保护地大樱桃栽培技术,包括适宜保护地栽培的大樱桃品种、苗木栽植、树形培养和年周期管理中的关键技术等内容。
Clinical research about the effect of Tong Guan Xie Zhuo Enema Prescription on reducing the blood dialysis frequency in 35 cases of CRF patients; 通关泄浊灌肠方对降低CRF患者血液透析频率临床观察
A new technique for extraction of curcumin in curcuma aromatica has been developed, which is based on cellulose enzymolysis. 提出了纤维素酶预处理法提取郁金中姜黄素的新工艺。
An algorithm has been developed to predict stability lobes in ball end milling to investigate the influence of normal direction angle at cutting point on the stability. 讨论了用球头铣刀进行曲面加工时共振安定界限的预测方法 ,重点分析了法向方向角对共振安定界限的影响 。
The experimerit is a study of taoren and its miture actting on fettility of mouse, the re-sults revealed that Taoren group mouse had embryonic death and its embry absorptivity was high-er. 桃仁及其复方合剂对小鼠生育影响的实验研究,结果表明:桃仁组小鼠胚胎吸收率较高,有死胎,而合剂组无此现象,但各组与阴性对照组相比无显著性差异(P>0。
Experimental Study on Anti-thrombus Effect of Different Extracts from Semen Persicae; 桃仁不同提取物抗血栓作用的实验研究
ACC Oxidase and Synthase Gene Cloning of Prunus persica and Prunus pseudocerasus; 桃和樱桃的ACC氧化酶、合成酶基因克隆
To Analyze the Treatment of Tai Yang Disease Syndrome With Fuzi By Zhongjing; 探仲景太阳病证用附子之法

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