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Agar powder is a phycolloid extracted from a group of red marine algae,it solube in hot water but insoluble in cold water.As a solidifying agent,supension agent and desissant,it can be used in preparing microbiological culture media,bio-engineering,and fo

Against to the outside of belt has installed the lever scraper cleaning device, it can remove adherent materials on the belt effectively. 给料机输送胶带的外侧装有杠杆式刮板清扫装置,有效除去粘附在表面的物料。
Again、these variations may be due to particular pragmatic problems on which the legitimators are consulted、or they may be the result of autonomous developments in the theoretical fancy of the cosmological experts. 此外,这些变异可能是正当化者所顾及的特定实用问题所造成,也有可能是宇宙论专家理论上猜想的自主性发展结果。
Again, there are two points. 我想说明两点。
Agar gels are extensively used for growing microorganisms and tissue cultures. 现在广泛应用于组织培养和微生物培养。
Agar is a ind of wild plant and can be used to cook soup or salad.It also has the medical function to diminish inflammation and hotness. 石花菜为野生植物,其状碧绿如花,其味清爽可口,做汤或凉菜皆可,并有消炎去火功效。
Agar powder is a phycolloid extracted from a group of red marine algae,it solube in hot water but insoluble in cold water.As a solidifying agent,supension agent and desissant,it can be used in preparing microbiological culture media,bio-engineering,and fo 性状:本品有海洋中生长的红藻为原料精制而成的水胶体,易溶于沸水,不溶于冷水,作为凝固剂、增稠剂、乳化剂、悬浮剂和干燥剂可应用于微生物培养基、生物工程、食品加工等。
Agaricales (agarics) An order of basidiomycetes that contains the mushrooms and toadstools. 伞菌目:担子菌纲的一目,包含蘑菇和伞菌等。
Agassi made his first appearance at the Stella Artois in 2000, but enjoyed his most successful year in 2003 when he reached the semifinals. 阿加西2000年才第一次在斯泰拉·阿托伊斯露面,而在他最成功的2003年他打入了半决赛。
Agassi's ten-year contract with Nike that ended this year was worth $140 million when you factor in the appreciation of Nike stock he was granted. 目前,他以3000万美元的职业生涯总奖金排名所有选手第2位,在他前面的是桑普拉斯。
Agassi, 31, said: We are absolutely ready for parenthood. Nothing is more important to us than the future security of our child. 31岁的阿加西说:“我们完全做好了为人父母的准备。对我们来说,没有任何事情比确保我们孩子的健康成长更重要了。”
Agassi, who turned 36 on Saturday, decided to skip this year's clay court season in order to focus his attentions on performing well at the Stella Artois and Wimbledon. 于周六(4月29日)迈入36岁的阿加西,决定放弃今年的红土赛季,是为了集中精神在斯泰拉·阿托伊斯和温布顿进行出色的演出。

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