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The Deep Impact flyby spacecraft carries two cameras and an infrared device to analyze spectral data, while the impactor carried a camera that sent back dramatic images of the comet until three seconds before the collision.

The December issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource offers five self-care strategies that can help you feel better and reduce the risk of recurrence. 12月份的梅奥诊所女性健康杂志提供了自我保健方法,可帮助你缓解症状,减小复发风险。
The Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution of the United States (1787) were both signed in this building in Philadelphia. 独立大厅位于费城的市中心,是举世闻名的文化遗址,1776年在这里签署了《独立宣言》,1787年《美利坚合众国宪法》也是在这里通过的。
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. 10人民与公民权利宣言。
The Decorator?pattern attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically . Decorator provide a flexible alternative to subclass for extending functionality . 装饰模式能进行动态地附加额外的职责。装饰模式提供了除子类继承外可供选择的另一种方案。
The Dee estuary: A small sea ( in Irish Sea) where the Dee River enters. 迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。
The Deep Impact flyby spacecraft carries two cameras and an infrared device to analyze spectral data, while the impactor carried a camera that sent back dramatic images of the comet until three seconds before the collision. 深冲击飞行由航天器运载二台照相机和一个红外设备分析数据,当锤碎机运载了退还彗星的剧烈的图象直到三秒在碰撞之前的一台照相机。
The Defense Minister Anatoliy Hrytsenko said the armed forces would follow the orders of the commander-in-chief, which is Ukrain's President. 国防部长安托里。海琴科说军队将会服从最高领导人也就是乌克兰总统的命令。
The Defiler himself led the vanguard, crushing all who stood in his way, determined to reach the World Tree at the mountain's peak. 污染者阿克蒙德亲自作为先锋,碾碎了所有挡在他面前的东西,攻向山脚下的世界之树。
The Deity is the last apriorical objective condition of the formation of religion. 最后从宗教主观先天条件的存在说明,论证上帝的存在;祂是宗教形式的最后的客观先天条件。
The Delta region's lawlessness isworsening. 三角洲地区的无法无天状况日益恶化。
The Delta's problems do not stem from the federal government's miserliness towards local people, as is often claimed, but from the theft of the funds it sends the region. 三角洲的问题并不像所说的那样是根源于联邦政府对本地居民的吝啬,而是根源于政府对该地区发放的救济资金遭到盗窃。

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