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Future research should focus on: (1) to identify and purify allelochemicals more effectively, especially for agriculture, (2) the functions of allelopathy at the molecular structure level, (3) using allelopathy to explain plant species interactions, (4) a

Future is unknown for many enterprises; however, Hengfengtai weaving limited Company has a thought-out plan to cope with whatever may arise. 未来,对于很多企业来说还是未知数,对于恒丰泰已是成竹在胸的事。
Future options include seeking an advanced degree, as well as entering the workforce with a civil service position in administration, accounting, R&D, or personnel, or with such jobs as legislative assistant, professional manager, public administrator, or 未来的出路除了继续攻读更高学位之外,也必能充分地进入社会,担任行政、主计、研考、人事人员等国家文官,或国会助理、专业经理人、公共管理者、公关公司从业人员等。
Future possible fruitful researches should be done to identify the components of sperm fluid and their effects on sperm competition, examine the morphology, ethology, physiology and functions of the sperm, understand the interactive relationships among th 笔者认为围绕精子竞争研究应尽快开展如下工作:开展精液成分的鉴定以及对精子竞争的影响作用研究,开展精子的形态、行为、生理和功能的研究,以及开展精子、雌性生殖道与卵的交互作用关系、父权偏向的精确机制等研究。
Future red keeper Tommy Younger won his fifth cap in the same game. 同时,曾效力利物浦的守门员汤米·杨格第5次代表苏格兰把关。
Future research could definitively solve the mystery. Spectral analysis, which can be done with instruments already on Mars, could provide stronger confirmation. 未来的研究将最后解决这个谜。光谱分析可以由已经抵达火星上的设备进行,能够提供更强有力的证据。
Future research should focus on: (1) to identify and purify allelochemicals more effectively, especially for agriculture, (2) the functions of allelopathy at the molecular structure level, (3) using allelopathy to explain plant species interactions, (4) a 未来化感作用研究将集焦于如下五方面:(1)更有效地在实践中,特别是在农业生产过程中鉴定和提纯化感物质;(2)化感作用在分子结构水平的功能定位;(3)应用化感作用解释植物种间相互作用;(4)化感作用在植被演替过程中的驱动力作用;(5)化感作用在进化过程中的意义。
Future sets will include cards like Glimmering Mithril Insignia for Blacksmiths and Smoking Heart of the Mountain for Enchanters. 未来的牌组将包括专业相关的卡片,比如铁匠的密银勋章和覆没的山脉火焰之心。
Future shopper which consumed here wholly is the cotton-padded clothes is tightly wrap , and is merely permitted to stop 30 minutes . 来这里消费的顾客都是棉衣紧裹,并只被允许逗留30分钟。
Future strategy for development of bioinorganic chemistry in China is discussed. 在此基础上,探讨了我国生物无机化学的进一步发展策略和方向。
Future work will address the recovery of + water from the product gas,and whether the fluidisation gas in the pyrolysis gas may be air. 如果在高温分解气中的高速气流输送气体可能晾干,未来的工作将忙于对产气中的+水的恢复。
Future work will be focusing on the improvement for the high performance of the out-of-core visualization. 交互可视化过程中,当用户所观察的模型部分不在内存中时,通过基于视点的调度策略进行数据内外存的切换。

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