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By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.

By this time the inner man began to crave nourishment. 到这个时候,肚子开始咕咕叫着要吃东西了。
By this time thousands of people are gathered for the celebration ahead. 此时,成千上万的人聚集在一起准备庆祝活动。
By this time tomorrow, I'll be lying on the beach. 到明天这个时间,我将正在海滩上躺着。
By this time, I had joined my crew among the kangaroos. 到这个时候,我已经回到了我的船员身边。
By this time, Walter was working in the wreck trade in the east end of London. 在此时,沃特正在伦敦的最东边做着很差的工作。
By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. 到了那个时候,状况良好的兰开斯特轰炸机实属罕见,值得抢救。
By this time, he was hopelessly pickled . 到这时他已经烂醉如泥了.
By this time, he was hopelessly pickled. 到这时他已经烂醉如泥了.
By this time, her constant efforts to persuade her college friend, Pinky, to join her had succeeded. 这时,她不断地游说她的大学好友加入这一旅程,她的努力终于成功了。
By this time, however, legislative reactions and enactments were of little importance. 而此时立法机关的行动已远远不重要了。
By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. 这时候,有三个人进入斗牛场,迅速地把醉汉拉到安全的地方。

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