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Environment purification: lavender contains a kind of natural fragrance, can not only keep indoor air fresh, but remove CO2 in the air, and act for sterilization and deodorization.

Environment can sometimes alter the rut age of an animal. 有时环境可以改变动物发情的年龄。
Environment created by Government and Economy developed by Enterprises. 政府创造环境,企业发展经济。
Environment parameters (temperature and relative humidity) are well measured, recorded, reviewed and controlled with respect to the specifications. 环境的参数(温度和相对湿度)能有效及准确的测量/记录/检讨及控制在限制範围内.
Environment protection division's mission is to protect and enhance the quality of British Columbia's water, land and air in a way that contributes to healthy communities, a sustainable environment, and a strong and vibrant provincial economy. 描述:该网页是英国哥伦比亚环境保护司网站的水资源专题,该政府机构的任务就是保护哥伦比亚的水资源,并提供节约用水技术,在该网站上有关于水权的文章、水资源利用的情况,以及关于水利问题的深层次探讨。
Environment protection is from me. 保护环境从我做起。
Environment purification: lavender contains a kind of natural fragrance, can not only keep indoor air fresh, but remove CO2 in the air, and act for sterilization and deodorization. 净化环境:薰衣草有一种自然芳香,它不但能保持室内空气清新,亦能排除空气中的二氧化碳和杀菌除臭。
Environment, the style elegant, can accommodate 130 people meals, suitable for business receptions, friends restaurants, corporate gatherings, restaurants will be superb cuisine, good service, beautiful environment, affordable prices and look forward to y 环境优美,格调高雅,可同时容纳130人用餐,适合于商务宴请、朋友小酌、公司聚会等,餐厅将以精湛的厨艺,良好的服务,优美的环境,实惠的价格,期待您的光临,利苑私房菜一定会给您留下深刻的印象。
Environment, which affects the existence and development of people, is defined as the entirety of the existing nature and the nature reformed by people. 环境影响着人们的生存和发展,它被认为是现有自然的全部,并可以被人们改造。
Environment: Juye is traditional agricultural county, the industry foundation is weak, the pollution withdrawal is small, the environmental capacity is big. 环境:巨野属传统的农业县,工业基础薄弱,污染排放量较小,环境容量较大。
Environment: Regarding fully reflecting the English environment of internationalized VI vision as the theme inside the school, regarding publicizing the happy study, color of the sunshine psychology as the fundamental key. 环境:学校内部以充分体现国际化VI视觉的英语环境为主题,以张扬快乐学习、阳光心态的色彩为基调。
Environment: The data is managed in several repositories; process, documents and metrics. 环境:数据分别存储在3个数据库中,流程、文件、绩效指标。

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