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Independence is the ability to be self-reliant and to refrain from becoming upset or influenced by the actions of faulty hounds.

Independence also requires a five-year cooling-offperiod for former employees of the listed company, or of its independent auditor; for former employees of any company whose compensation committee includes an officer of the listed company; and for immedia 独立性还要求上市公司的前雇员、独立审计师和报酬委员会的成员及其直系亲属担任公司独立董事时,应当具有5年“冷却期”。
Independence came in 1901, with a constitution adapted in part from that of the United States. 1901,澳大利亚独立,使用一部引自美国的的宪法。
Independence doesn't mean separateness from others or being blind to advice from other people. 独立不意味着与人隔绝,不意味着固执己见.
Independence for the Kurds is anathema to Turkey and Iran. 库尔德人的独立对土耳其和伊朗来说将是一场梦魇。
Independence is a prerequisite for gaining many abilities. 独立是获取其他能力的前提.
Independence is the ability to be self-reliant and to refrain from becoming upset or influenced by the actions of faulty hounds. 独立指依靠自己,克制自己不要气馁,不要受其它有缺陷猎犬行为的影响。
Independence offers many advantages , the first and foremost of which is self-dete123 ination . 独立带来很多好处,首先也是最重要的是自决。
Independence offers many advantages , the first and foremost of which is self-determination . 独立带来很多好处,首先也是最重要的是自决。
Independence travel, from Cambodia to Vietnam or oppositely.And Phnom Penh to Angkor,Saigon to Honai. 自助旅游,路线:从柬埔寨到越南;金边到吴哥,西贡到河内。
Independent Audit contract as a kind of game equilibrium results from the consideration of the protection of the stockholder's property right. 摘要审计契约是企业契约当事人为保护各自的产权利益进行合作博弈的产物。
Independent Lawmaker Lo Fu-chu(Taipei County), also known as spiritual leader of a major local triad gang Heavenly Justice Alliance, served three years and seven months in jail after being arrested in a 1984 government crackdown against gangs, got elected 被视为本地大帮派『天道盟』领袖的无党籍台北县立委罗福助,1984年『一清专案』后服刑三年七个月,1996年选上立法委员,1996年9月被控涉嫌教唆绑架另一位无党籍立委廖学广,将他关在狗笼里弃置荒山一夜。

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